
Tokyo Banana

By Cubie - April 15, 2011

I stumbled upon this banana snack when I was googling for food to try in Tokyo before my first trip.

I saw it all over in shops in Shinjuku train station then but as my travel buddy didnt like swear off bananas and all banana flavoured food. As for Australia, I might not know what can be bring in or what can't but one thing I remember reading - bananas are prohibited at all cost, regardless of what form they are in - banana cake, banana cracker. So I'm pretty sure Tokyo Banana will be dump in the bin if I attempt to bring it in.

I didn't see any Tokyo Banana when walkabout Tokyo with Ms Mo and Moo Moo gal, but fate had that I see them right before I boarded on shinkansen to Kyoto :) The best part was, it was a 4 piece packet. Hehe.

The shelf life was approximately 1 week, like most of the snacks sold in Japan. Tokyo Banana has custard banana filling. Not a bad taste though as it wasn't too sweet, which is good. :)

Each of the bananas were individually packed.

And sitting on a banana shaped plastic tray.

Dig in!

I had this and a mug of coffee for breakkie before leaving for Kiyomizudera.

Side note: Had my height measured for a medical exams and I was told I'm 1 cm shorter than what I always remember. How can! = ="

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