
WA: Camping trip to Esperance

By Cubie - July 06, 2024

After a few failed attempts, I had finally made it to camping with sis and family in Western Australia. The initial plan was a 5 days trip with last day detouring to Bremer Bay for a night. Despite this trip was taken in December, it was windy and rather chilly so we decided not to stop at another beach. 

On day 1, we made a quick stop at Corrigin and Hyden before spending the night at Ravensthorpe. The rest of the nights were at Esperance. 

16/12, Day 01 - Ravensthorpe*, stopped at Corrigin and Hyden (Green Haven Tourist Park)
17/12, Day 02 - Esperance* (Esperance Big4 Campsite)
18/12, Day 03 - Esperance*
19/12, Day 04 - Esperance*
20/12, Day 05 - Back to Perth
*referring to overnight stay

Side note: Kmart pullover gown is the best buy for winter this year. 

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