
Doha: A ninety minutes transit

By Cubie - November 03, 2014

There was a photo opportunity that I missed because I was busy eating *shifty eye*. I saw a plane from outside of the window, how often do you see another plane flying on a lateral line as your plane up in the sky? I was eating at that time and thought I'll finish my food before grabbing my camera. Unfortunately by the time I finished eating, the other plane was nowhere to be seen :(

Umm, yes I am one of those people who actually like flight food. And if I tell you the food is great, you can be apprehensive but if I said the food is bad, it would be pretty bad ok? ;)

It was a very short transit time and it was quite a rush transit. Somehow we were required to go through another screening, together with all other passengers (even the arrival ones) and the queue was loooongg. To make things more interesting, the other gate as wayyy far. So all I did in Hamad International Airport was queuing up to get through the screening, and brisk walk to the gate. I made it in time, only to have the flight slightly delayed. Grin. That was all to report on Doha, on my way to Europe ;)

Side note: By the way, have you read Gone Girl?

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  1. Replies
    1. You will be off to Nihon soon right? ;) have a blast!

  2. Well ... I like the free drinks, and sometimes they hand out chocolate ice cream. :D

  3. yes... they offered free flow of snacks because of the long flight ^^
