There's a souvenir shop inside this little building, at the start of the jetty. My baby niece skipped her newly started swimming lesson, my sis and bro in law postponed their usual morning grocery in Subiaco market and I missed my usual Saturday jog. We made our way, together with mom down south...
My niece refered to this as “会长大的石头”, literally translated as stones that can grow up. They aren't exactly grow up but thrombolites, or rather 'living rock's are a form of microbialites, which are rock-like structures built by micro-organisms. One of the few places in the world where thrombolites grow is at Lake Clifton...
There was suppose to be some image of someone sleeping on the roof of the Opera House, just not in this pic that I took. I'll confess. This is an overdue post, I actually went to see those lights on the first day of the event and the event went on for slightly...