
Sydney Aquarium

By Cubie - November 25, 2009

Isn't he cute?

Yup. Tour guide and I went to the Sydney Aquarium on Sunday after kayaking. I've been to the next door Sydney Wildlife World within a week I am in Sydney, courtesy by a colleague who gave me a discount voucher. Tour guide said he had been to the Sydney Aquarium, while I've been to the Wildlife World. I came up with a brilliant idea (though tour guide doesnt think so) that we should get the combined ticket of Sydney Aquarium and Wildlife Park, each visit the one that we have not been, and meet after that :P

You see, combined ticket cost $49.95 for single adult while single aquarium ticket is $31.95. As I said earlier, tour guide doesn't think it is a good idea, let alone brilliant... so we bought 2 tickets for adult for Sydney Aquarium.

First stop was platypus. :(
Platypus was hiding, no platypus seen. After seeking for platypus and waiting, we decided to move on. :(
We see this school of fishes.

There were also cute little penguins :)

Or the pretty but dangerous jelly fishes

Or some funny fish ... err.. I think its call blowpipe fish or something

Or the big, deadly.. JAWS! haha...

At current, this is on exhibition!

but this is mine :)
hahaha... dugongs :P

Side note: 2 more weeks!

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