
Dripping helmet

By Cubie - October 15, 2007

I must've been not going out for ages... that I forgot that leaving my bike outdoor on a rainy day would cause FLOOD in my helmet. Ya ya, smart ass... me...

I parked my bike out in the open air, forgot that it practically rains every single day and my helmet was all wet after I finished fishing out my credit card on a lot of purchases today.... and that, I mind you has never happen for very long time that I dont even remember if it happened before.

Anyway, I went out to meet 2 of my coursemates (actually one of them I see her like 5 days a week cos she is also my colleague) for lunch and I kind of urgently need at least a new pair of jeans. With the current state of my jeans, I need to avoid all the management people, those people like HR, so that they dont issue me any memo to ask me not to wear torn jeans.

Anyway, friend said I'm super efficient today and she is as equally impressed cos I really dont like shopping and I dont go for shopping unless I'm desperate... cos I bought 2 pair of jeans, 2 shirts, a pair of shoes and a birthday present for my niece in 5 hours, not excluding time that we spent eating lunch.

And when I was about to leave Sg Wang, I realised... it was raining cats and dogs. However, I was rather lucky as the rain stopped as I took a longer alternative route to reach the place I parked my bike... but of course, the way home is with the dripping water from the helmet as well as the soaked wet jacket.

Side note: One of these days must get a hair dryer... if already has it, dont have to air helmet with fan ...

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