Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keeping Score

I wrote, "Learn how to make up" in a couple of posts back... and to make it work, I've engaged help. Little P brought my make up sensei and I to Mid Valley to buy the necessary "supplies" for class and thereafter I attended my first lesson in Little P's house.

And oh my, these little bottles of thingy are really expensive.

These little bottles can fetch up to over a hundred bucks..umm... must be how people say the smaller it is, the more expensive it gets. Like how bikini cost much more than a t-shirt. Shrug.

Oh well... I'm still not good at it. I'll have to practice it every now and then. However there's no function that requires me to do that in any time near. And I still find it odd if you ask me to just apply the make up and leave it on to watch TV or something then remove it :P

So... in a crude way, I've achieve one of the new year resolution I made. So now... I'll need to practice, practice and practice :)

Side note: Went for a training that said goals need to be measurable. I would need to remove resolution no 3 on making more new friends.. its hard to measure... how to know if the person is a friend or merely acquintance? So there...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Putrajaya Highway

Side note: Lesson learnt - not to accidentally put earphone in green tea. It took over a weekend to really dry up = ="

Tuesday, January 22, 2008



wo dai zhe yi ke pi bei de xin zou le
I left with a tired heart

wo zhi dao zi ji zai ni xin li yi bu zhong yao
I know I'm no longer important in your heart

sui ran wo men ceng jing xiang ju guo
Despite we have met before

ye xu dui yu ni lai shou
Maybe, to you

yi jing mei you shen mu zhi de hui yi
There's nothing worth to cherish

wo dai zhe yi ke chen zhong de xin zou le
I left with a heavy heart

wo zhi dao zi ji mei you yong qi dao bie li
I know I don't have courage to say goodbye

sui ran wo men ceng jing you guo
Despite we were once together

dan shi dui yu ni lai shou
However, to you...

yi jing mei you shen me zhi de hui yi
It has no longer worth to be cherish

nan dao zao yi zhu ding
Is this fate

bu neng zhen zheng yong you ni
that i cant really have you

nan dao wo zhen xin fu chu yi qie
When I have give everything sincerely

zhi wei le cheng shou gu dan he ji mo
Only to be alone and lonely

wo zhi dao ni bu gan dui wo dan bai
I know you dare not tell me the truth

shi bu yao kan dao wo de shang huai
Is because you don't want to see me hurt

sui ran ni mei you shuo yao le kai wo
Although you did not say will leave me

wo yi jing gan dao ni bu zai shu yu wo
I can feel you don't belong to me

ru guo ni hai ai wo
If you still love me

ni bu hui dui wo ru chi de leng mo
you would not be so cold to me

you zen hui rang wo zai man man chang ye du zi pai huai
or let me wander alone in a long long night

ru guo ni hai ai wo
If you still love me

ni bu hui dui wo ru ci de leng mo
you would not be so cold to me

wo zhi neng han zhe yan lei
I can only hold my tears

mo mo de li kai
and leave quietly

Side note: All this thing... might just improve my han yu pin yin :P
*Edit: Amendment a little on the above. Tx Super Chu Chai

Friday, January 18, 2008

Gambling January

The other day I wrote, "2008 is the year of change and decisions." Think I might need to amend it a little. Maybe it's no longer a year of change and decisions, instead it has suddenly became a year of gambling and decisions. At least, in January...

I've been working at the same insurance company for more than 4 years, approaching 5. People seem to amaze as to how I could be with the same company for so long, spending 5 Christmases, 5 New Year eves, dozens month ends in the company. Anyway, slaving so long in an insurance company, I have not taken LOMA exam. Whereas many of my juniors already taken a few papers. Something must have gone wrong in my head, when suddenly I deem this year as the auspicious year to take the exam. I had not read a single page of the book but I signed up for not one but two papers together. The good thing is that if I passed the exam, it will be reimbursed, otherwise I have to fork out for it myself. 1 paper cost about RM 250. And so, this January, I gambled RM 500.

Yesterday I've made a decision to place another bet. This one cost more than 500 bucks. It cost much much more. Given the choice of three, I've decided to pick option 3, will execute it by next week. If I lose this bet, much more is at stake... it means that I've decided to give up something that I want for the uncertainty of the something that I want a lot. I've decided to place my stake on uncertainty.

Side note: Think someone is still pissed off with me... considering from his level of patience. Hope things may improve if I stay away for a bit, like removing the triggerer. So... I'll take a break from this blogging streak... till I think its safe to do so again. Till then... happy CNY

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Babi Guling

WARNING: This post is non-halal. Please do not read on if would be offended. Any uneasiness caused is much regreted.

This is one of the most recommended food in Bali. According to this website, babi guling is more commonly name as be guling. It could be prepared using duck or chicken but the one I tried is pork.

My friend and I tried this dish in Bali recently. As we were unsure as to what exactly it was (we only know it's pork), we left it to the tour guide to order for us... and this came served to us.

Unfortunately for both of us, we dont eat other parts of the poor pig except the meat... but as this is a to-try thingy, we put the intestine, deep fried skin & skin to our mouth. The skin is like "yu chu" or called roasted suckling piglet. Even that, we had to do the necessary liposuction before savouring it. The one thing that we just dont have the heart to eat is the FAT wrapped up by the skin. It was like popiah but the filling is FAT. You get the meaning right? The vege was good and the sate babi was very, very, very good. If you do order it yourself, and you dont really enjoy the rest of the organs, I'll highly recommend to get the sate babi.

After eating, as Calv make small talks with the guide and van driver, the more anti-social me decided to shoot a few photos of the ingredients.

The piggy itself
Mountains of intestine
and the scrumptious sate babi
Probably I look a little jakun, the kind owner of the shop offered to show me the real pig. I happily followed her behind the shop and 2 of the workers are in the process of cleaning the piggy.

This piggy that they are cleaning has black fur. Too bad that this is the last pig lying. Otherwise I would get first hand pig pictures.

So, if you have decided to give this famous dish in Bali a try, please choose the ingredients yourself ya ;)

Side note: We'll see how it goes... I may or may not post on the trip, but I'm sure Calv would blog it up. :)

Monday, January 14, 2008


作词:姚谦 作曲:伍思凯 编曲:伍思凯

时间已做了选择 什么人叫做朋友
shi jian yi zuo liao xuan ze
shen me ren jiao zuo peng you

偶而碰头 心情却能一点就通
ou er peng tou
xin qing que neng yi dian jiu tong

因为我们曾有过 理想类似的生活
yin wei wo men zeng you guo
li xiang lei si de shen huo

太多感受 绝非三言两语能形容
tai duo gan shou
que fei san yan liang yu neng xin rong

可能有时我们顾虑太多 太多决定需要我们去选择
ke neng you shi wo men gu lv tai duo
tai duo jue ding xu yao we men qu xuan ze

担心会犯错 难免会受挫 幸好一路上有你陪我
dan xin hui fan cuo
nan mian hui shou cuo
xin hao yi lu shang you ni pei wo

与你分享的快乐 胜过独自拥有 至今我仍深深感动
yi me fen xiang de kuai le
shen guo du zi yong you
zhi jin wo reng shen shen gan dong

好友如同一扇窗 能让视野不同
hao you ru tong yi shan chuang
neng rang shi ye bu dong

与你分享的快乐 胜过独自拥有 至今我仍深深感动
yu ni fen xiang de kuai le
shen guo du zhi yong you
zhi jin wo reng shen shen gan dong

好友如同一扇门 让世界(变)开阔
hao you ru tong yi shan chaung
rang shi jie (bian) kai kuo

I especially like this few verses.
可能有时我们顾虑太多 太多决定需要我们去选择
ke neng you shi wo men gu lv tai duo
tai duo jue ding xu yao we men qu xuan ze

Sometimes we think too much. Too many decision to make

担心会犯错 难免会受挫 幸好一路上有你陪我
dan xin hui fan cuo
nan mian hui shou cuo
xin hao yi lu shang you ni pei wo

Worry to make mistake, or when face failures, I'm lucky to have you accompanying me along the road

Side note:
可能有时我们顾虑太多 太多决定需要我们去选择
担心会犯错 难免会受挫


Meet Ethan. He was this little boy who stayed in a orphanage in a small valley in a faraway land. The orphanage was a small one, with only a handful of kids. It was run by a kind and gentle old lady. Despite staying in simple poverty life, they were happy.

One day, the old lady announced that from that year onwards, every child would take turns to receive a new coat for Christmas according to alphabetical order. The money for the new coat were polled together by the villagers.

The first year, Alex got his very first new coat after many years of hands-me-down. The second Christmas was approaching soon. Ethan was next in line. Christmas came and gone. Not only the new coat was nowhere to be seen, the old lady seem to have disappeared as well. From anxious, Ethan became worry. Worried as the old lady has never abandon them for more than a couple of days.

The old lady came back after a week, looking haggard and worn. Together with her were two big, burly men. While the children were worried for their carer, the old lady had actually gambled off the money polled by the villagers for that year's new coat for Christmas. It seems that the particular day the old lady went out to buy the coat, she was amazed by a poker game at the roadside and had succumb to the game. She lost so much in the game that she had sold off the orphanage to the two men as well.

And so, the children are now homeless.

Side note: Craps... I cant even write decent stories. :P

Friday, January 4, 2008


It's the turn of a new year. People blogs about new year resolution. I don't remember if I make any new year resolution last year, or just ponder over what has happen in the year prior. The 2 resolutions I made... was it for 2006 or 2007? I don't remember.

Anyway, maybe its good to want to achieve something.. hence the resolution. I'll keep it short.

1. Eat less, exercise more
To shed off at least 5 kg and remain as that

2. Learn how to make up (I might as well write: Be more girly... *ponder... Nay :P)
Craps. I cant make up to save my life. I can foresee I got this tendency to scratch if I feel this layer of make up on my face. But anyway... I think it is a necessity. So there...

3. Be less anti-social
Ok. Imagine a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being most anti-social and 10 being lest anti-social. I'm probably at 2-3? So... I'll try to move up the scale.

4. Learn something new or brush up a skill/knowledge
Be it playing how to play rubik cube, brush up my Chinese Language or photography skills, take LOMA (gasp!)... anything that fulfills that

Continued my last year's resolution. I dont exactly remember what was it but I'm practising "Paying myself". I notice when I start paying myself, I save more, so I shall continue with that.

Side note: This is a little late but grin.. it's not 10th of the month yet.. so still not too late yet ler...

Life is also like comic strips

Maybe not all comic strips... but reading Calvin & Hobbes is like seeing it in life itself. Don't believe? Read the below...

Side note: "Sticks and stones may hurt my bone but words will never hurt me"... Sigh...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ermm... happy 2008?

Have you ever feel reluctant to sleep during the night, and refuse to wake up the next day? Sleepiness and late night aside, do you realise that when we are shying away to face something, there would be this reluctance?

Remembered this poem I wrote some time ago, when I was considering of 2 choices.

There I stand under the hot sun
Looking at the crossroad lies in front,
Neither one promises fun,
But which would I eventually take for a run?

The road I took I turned over to look,
Can’t remember why it was
that path I took
There I am, still at the entrance of the 2 routes,
Which one should I place my foot?

The right one is familiar, bright
and sunny
The other clouded with some uncertainty
Otherwise, it looks
identical to every tiny weeny,
Still, which one should i take finally?

“Listen to the sighs of your heart”
The decision should not be too
At my hand hold the final card,
Or should I just flip a coin to
see my luck….

Here I am, back at square one.
After that one step I took at that time
Was I too afraid to pick the the other one?
Would it be different? Would it be fine?

I realised, there is this hesitancy when I replied certain emails. There is this dread feeling to proceed. Not because afraid of stepping out of the comfort zone, but more of I couldnt commit. I couldnt say I'm doing this because of that. Or that I've made up my mind that I'll do this... because I haven't. It's not that I didn't want to tell, its more to I havent answered to myself. It's not that I havent make decision, it's because I couldnt yet.


Side note: 2008 is the year of change and decisions. Sorry for a gloomy post for the new year though. Happy new year ;)