Friday, January 4, 2008


It's the turn of a new year. People blogs about new year resolution. I don't remember if I make any new year resolution last year, or just ponder over what has happen in the year prior. The 2 resolutions I made... was it for 2006 or 2007? I don't remember.

Anyway, maybe its good to want to achieve something.. hence the resolution. I'll keep it short.

1. Eat less, exercise more
To shed off at least 5 kg and remain as that

2. Learn how to make up (I might as well write: Be more girly... *ponder... Nay :P)
Craps. I cant make up to save my life. I can foresee I got this tendency to scratch if I feel this layer of make up on my face. But anyway... I think it is a necessity. So there...

3. Be less anti-social
Ok. Imagine a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being most anti-social and 10 being lest anti-social. I'm probably at 2-3? So... I'll try to move up the scale.

4. Learn something new or brush up a skill/knowledge
Be it playing how to play rubik cube, brush up my Chinese Language or photography skills, take LOMA (gasp!)... anything that fulfills that

Continued my last year's resolution. I dont exactly remember what was it but I'm practising "Paying myself". I notice when I start paying myself, I save more, so I shall continue with that.

Side note: This is a little late but grin.. it's not 10th of the month yet.. so still not too late yet ler...

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