Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Babi Guling

WARNING: This post is non-halal. Please do not read on if would be offended. Any uneasiness caused is much regreted.

This is one of the most recommended food in Bali. According to this website, babi guling is more commonly name as be guling. It could be prepared using duck or chicken but the one I tried is pork.

My friend and I tried this dish in Bali recently. As we were unsure as to what exactly it was (we only know it's pork), we left it to the tour guide to order for us... and this came served to us.

Unfortunately for both of us, we dont eat other parts of the poor pig except the meat... but as this is a to-try thingy, we put the intestine, deep fried skin & skin to our mouth. The skin is like "yu chu" or called roasted suckling piglet. Even that, we had to do the necessary liposuction before savouring it. The one thing that we just dont have the heart to eat is the FAT wrapped up by the skin. It was like popiah but the filling is FAT. You get the meaning right? The vege was good and the sate babi was very, very, very good. If you do order it yourself, and you dont really enjoy the rest of the organs, I'll highly recommend to get the sate babi.

After eating, as Calv make small talks with the guide and van driver, the more anti-social me decided to shoot a few photos of the ingredients.

The piggy itself
Mountains of intestine
and the scrumptious sate babi
Probably I look a little jakun, the kind owner of the shop offered to show me the real pig. I happily followed her behind the shop and 2 of the workers are in the process of cleaning the piggy.

This piggy that they are cleaning has black fur. Too bad that this is the last pig lying. Otherwise I would get first hand pig pictures.

So, if you have decided to give this famous dish in Bali a try, please choose the ingredients yourself ya ;)

Side note: We'll see how it goes... I may or may not post on the trip, but I'm sure Calv would blog it up. :)

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