Friday, January 18, 2008

Gambling January

The other day I wrote, "2008 is the year of change and decisions." Think I might need to amend it a little. Maybe it's no longer a year of change and decisions, instead it has suddenly became a year of gambling and decisions. At least, in January...

I've been working at the same insurance company for more than 4 years, approaching 5. People seem to amaze as to how I could be with the same company for so long, spending 5 Christmases, 5 New Year eves, dozens month ends in the company. Anyway, slaving so long in an insurance company, I have not taken LOMA exam. Whereas many of my juniors already taken a few papers. Something must have gone wrong in my head, when suddenly I deem this year as the auspicious year to take the exam. I had not read a single page of the book but I signed up for not one but two papers together. The good thing is that if I passed the exam, it will be reimbursed, otherwise I have to fork out for it myself. 1 paper cost about RM 250. And so, this January, I gambled RM 500.

Yesterday I've made a decision to place another bet. This one cost more than 500 bucks. It cost much much more. Given the choice of three, I've decided to pick option 3, will execute it by next week. If I lose this bet, much more is at stake... it means that I've decided to give up something that I want for the uncertainty of the something that I want a lot. I've decided to place my stake on uncertainty.

Side note: Think someone is still pissed off with me... considering from his level of patience. Hope things may improve if I stay away for a bit, like removing the triggerer. So... I'll take a break from this blogging streak... till I think its safe to do so again. Till then... happy CNY

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