Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keeping Score

I wrote, "Learn how to make up" in a couple of posts back... and to make it work, I've engaged help. Little P brought my make up sensei and I to Mid Valley to buy the necessary "supplies" for class and thereafter I attended my first lesson in Little P's house.

And oh my, these little bottles of thingy are really expensive.

These little bottles can fetch up to over a hundred bucks..umm... must be how people say the smaller it is, the more expensive it gets. Like how bikini cost much more than a t-shirt. Shrug.

Oh well... I'm still not good at it. I'll have to practice it every now and then. However there's no function that requires me to do that in any time near. And I still find it odd if you ask me to just apply the make up and leave it on to watch TV or something then remove it :P

So... in a crude way, I've achieve one of the new year resolution I made. So now... I'll need to practice, practice and practice :)

Side note: Went for a training that said goals need to be measurable. I would need to remove resolution no 3 on making more new friends.. its hard to measure... how to know if the person is a friend or merely acquintance? So there...

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