Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Place in Heaven

I mentioned someone said to me "There's no place for you in heaven. " Oh well, had a chat with that friend just now...

me: ei ei
me: play that

friend: do i have to?

me: wahahha.

friend: i want i to be a surprise
friend: whether i go up or down

me: apparently i still got place in heaven
me: despite u said no place in heaven for me

friend: still got?
friend: but hey, 50 years frm now, there may be thousands more young ppl who were born later
me: ^!^@^$!@#$.. wanna wipe off my little hope ar?

friend: they were good and unfortunately they die young
friend: and they took your place

me: = ="""

friend: nah...not wipe your hope
friend: just instilling some reality in you
friend: u floating already

me: then u just tie me to chair lar...

Side note: Suddenly heaven feels so small...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Alones by Aqua Timez

This is one of Bleach opening songs for episode 121 - 143

Oreta awai tsubasa
Kimi wa sukoshi aosugiru
sora ni tsukareta dake sa
mou dareka no tame janakute
jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo

izen to toshi no bion ga toutsuu
uchigawa ni tomaru go osoku
toki wa ubau ni koukanosha
im ga arya to wa urahara ni

tarinai kotoba no hitomi
no ma ni de umetanain darou
Mou wakaranai yo

semete umero, wakatta?
jiyuu ni oyogetara
naa sora mo irana ne ni
kinou made no koto wo
asu ni makaeru no ni

Oreta awai tsubasa
Kimi wa sukoshi aosugiru
sora ni tsukareta dake sa
mou dareka no tame janakute
jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo


Your fragile, folded wings are just tired from the pure blue sky.
You don't have to force your smiles for anyone
It's okay to smile... for yourself.
That lonely feeling keeps creeping up on me
A single candle still burns inside
There shouldn't be an expensive chandelier in a wild place like this
Can I really bury it all with empty words?
I don't even know anymore...
As long as we can swim freely in our dreams
we won't need that sky anymore.
Even if you can't let go of the past
I'll still be there to meet you tomorrow
Your fragile, folded wings are just tired from the pure blue sky.
You don't have to force your smiles for anyone.
It's okay to smile... for yourself.


Side note: The song gave a feeling of sadness... quiet sadness.. somehow.

Hmm... too lazy to shoo bugs off eh...

Your Deadly Sins

Sloth: 80%

Gluttony: 60%

Wrath: 40%

Envy: 20%

Greed: 20%

Lust: 0%

Pride: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 31%

You will get bugs, because you're too lazy to shoo them off. And then you'll die.
Side note: Someone said to me, "There's no place for you in heaven,"... I didnt fare to badly eh.. :P

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wordless talk with Jack

It was a quiet windless night. She was there, typing quietly in front of the computer, stopping occasionally to have a sip of the bittersweet concoction of Jake Daniels and Coca-cola. The ever loyal companion was left collecting dust under the table. It has been a while since she had a drink, a quiet drink while entertaining her thoughts. Tonight must've been the night that sleep would overcome more easily with the soothing of Jack. 

It was a long day. In fact, it has been long since yesterday. Started of with a flat tyre of her motorcycle, the other old friend since 10 years ago. It was a mystery, the same tyre had a small puncture exactly a month ago as well. Pushing the motorcycle looking for the said workshop was not easy. The last time they had such a long "walk" together was probably a few years back, from the KL campus of UKM to chow Kit, and from Chow Kit to Jalan Ipoh. 

After having the tube changed, she headed back to work and left her work place at night. Upon reaching home, she had her routine of checking her email. In her mailbox, there was this email that lifted up her hopes yet hit the panic button that left her nervous till the next morning. 

The phone call promised by the email never came. She waited nervously from the night before to the next morning, from morning till night. Each time her phone rang, her heart jolted a little, hoping for the said phone call... but it never came. 

The afternoon itself havent been exactly uneventful as well. She had some disagreement with a friend and she felt sad and horrible. Suddenly she felt a warm feeling creeping down from her face to the neck. Jack must've been that comforting... 

Side note: Maybe that's why people likes to drink when they are sad...

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Fremantle is a port city in Western Australia, located 19 kilometres (12 mi) southwest of Perth, the state capital, at the mouth of the Swan River on Australia's western coast.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Picture from
This place gave me a feeling of very laid-back, some place where as you walk around the town, your worries will just fade away. The buildings are like those old designs, the kind that I like :)

The one thing anyone shouldn't miss is the Fremantle Market. It is a weekend market, hence do pay a visit to Fremantle on a weekend.

It was opened in 1897 selling from souvenirs, coffee, kites, fruits ... providing a lot to feast the eyes on. There is this store that sells the most economical magnets as compared to other souvenir shops I went to... and trust me, I walked in to a lot of souvenir shops hunting for t-shirt my bro-in-law's sis's daughter on behalf of my mother
(Read: mom forgot to get the extra shirt and was on the verge of blaming me for flying back on friday morning instead of friday night cos the other market, the Subiaco market where she bought the rest of the shirts is also a weekend market)

Oh yah... entrance is free for Fremantle Market ;) A gem really.

The other place I stopped by for awhile was the Fremantle Prison, but this charge A$ 16.50 for the entrance. There are 3 types of tours - Day Tours, Torchlight Tour and Tunnel Tour. Under Day Tours - there are Doing Time Tour and Great Escapes Tour. They recommended the Doing Time Tour for 1st-timers. Booking is required for the night time tour.

This is the main entrance to the Fremantle Prison. We were just in time for the last tour.
The inside of the prison compound.

The prison is divided into a few divisions, the lower number housed the less "dangerous" convicts/prisoners. The middle picture on 1st row is the kitchen area. Convicts/Prisoners are paid to work and the best paid job is in the kitchen. Only those showed good behaviour were allowed to work in the kitchen... after all, thats the place where they would handle knives and stuff.
The middle picture in the 2nd row is a picture drawn by a prisoner in his room. The hammock in the room was how the prison was ... in older times.

Fremantle Prison also housed female prisoners and the only time male and female prisoners not separated was when in church. However, female prisoners would be standing at a certain allocated place (see the picture on the right, the place behind the curtain)

And... one last time not to be missed - tucking in to Fish & Chips in Fremantle. There were a few famous restaurant but the one I went to was Cicerello's.

You will be given a pager upon ordering, then when the pager rings, lights up & vibrates, its time to pick up the fish & chips. We had fish & chips and kalamari and chips. By the way, sauces are chargable.

Side note: Suddenly I'm hungry... I want to eat kalamari & chips.


I realise... it seems that everytime i wash toilet, my housemate is waiting to take bath = ="" Regardless it is in the morning, noon, evening or night... after I finishing cleaning the bathroom, I realise he has been opening his room door every now and then trying to see if I've finish cleaning it. = =""" Now... it's I purposely always choose the wrong time to clean or he just want to take bath first everytime the bathroom is clean? Weird.

Around Perth

I was just right on time for the wildflowers season and hence King's Park was full of them. The more unfortunate event was... it was pouring. Sort of stop when we ran for shed but started pouring again when we fished out the camera. Hmm...

wildflowers in King's Park
Other places are...

Perth Mint

Swan Bell

London Court

Lake Monger

Scarborough Beach

City Beach

~ and again, King's Park - night view. To be exact, night view taken from King's Park.

Side note: Lost my flow of thoughts but then pictures tell stories right?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Just had dinner with friend. Friend said wanted to find ... 
a good man 

a rich good man 

a rich and loyal good man 

It is already so hard to find a good man, but want to find a rich and loyal one too? = ="" 

Side note: It feels odd that I dont see him anymore out of office hours... 是不是我又做错了什么

Monday, October 15, 2007

Caversham Wildlife Park

Most of the "to-go-places" in Perth warrants a payment. Entrance fee for Caversham Wildlife Park is A$ 17.00 per person.
The rest of the information, can be obtained from it's official website.

Main attractions are feeding the kangaroos, touching the koala and holding the wombat. There are special sessions for you to meet the wombat. The guides will tell a little about wombats before allowing for opportunity to cuddle the wombat.

As for the kangaroos, they are all housed together and you can go in by yourself without getting a guide to unlock the door as it was not locked. There are food supplied for the kangaroos, just take a few pellet and put it in front of the kangaroo/s. If they are hungry, they will eat. Otherwise, just move on to another one.

Koalas are locked up, so we were pretty lucky that we met one of the guides when we were walking about and she let us in. One is to touch the koala with the back of hand at the koala's back as touching with palm is consider rather offensive and might scare the koala. One must also not touch the leaves, otherwise the koalas will not eat them.

There are also other animals and birds. :)

Side note: Not very in the mood to blog about it at the moment... we'll see how it goes

Dripping helmet

I must've been not going out for ages... that I forgot that leaving my bike outdoor on a rainy day would cause FLOOD in my helmet. Ya ya, smart ass... me...

I parked my bike out in the open air, forgot that it practically rains every single day and my helmet was all wet after I finished fishing out my credit card on a lot of purchases today.... and that, I mind you has never happen for very long time that I dont even remember if it happened before.

Anyway, I went out to meet 2 of my coursemates (actually one of them I see her like 5 days a week cos she is also my colleague) for lunch and I kind of urgently need at least a new pair of jeans. With the current state of my jeans, I need to avoid all the management people, those people like HR, so that they dont issue me any memo to ask me not to wear torn jeans.

Anyway, friend said I'm super efficient today and she is as equally impressed cos I really dont like shopping and I dont go for shopping unless I'm desperate... cos I bought 2 pair of jeans, 2 shirts, a pair of shoes and a birthday present for my niece in 5 hours, not excluding time that we spent eating lunch.

And when I was about to leave Sg Wang, I realised... it was raining cats and dogs. However, I was rather lucky as the rain stopped as I took a longer alternative route to reach the place I parked my bike... but of course, the way home is with the dripping water from the helmet as well as the soaked wet jacket.

Side note: One of these days must get a hair dryer... if already has it, dont have to air helmet with fan ...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Over the messenger

Over YM with my sister today... 

Sis: Called mom just now 
Me: hmm.. finally, she will say one... if u no call 
Sis: She asked when i'm getting married 
Me: Hehe..finally she asked you... 
Sis: I said dunno, then she asked... u happy or not, i told her if happy no need to get married is it? 
Me: hahaha 
Sis: so she dont want to talk to me about it dy... she asked if you got bf or not 
Me: ^#@&@&@*^$ 

Side note: Some uncle knocked my bike from behind... lucky I was slowing down already... didnt fall.. and bike, still in same condition.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Down Under

Australia is the 1st western country I visited since I started to pay for my own travelling trip and one of the main reason why I visited this country down under is to visit my sis who is currently working in Perth. And hence, the visit to Perth, Western Australia.

And.. Australia got cuteeeee animals :P

The koala which sleeps 20 hours a day...

The kangaroo that came to us... and we thought it was camera friendly but probably he wanted food 

The wombat that weighs 26 kg and still a baby...

The evilly-cute Tasmanian Devil

Note: All pics taken in Caversham Wildlife Park. I'll try to write more about the park later... a bit the late to write so much :P

Side note: I like the Tasmanian Devil, looked so naughty yet so cute :P

Friday, October 5, 2007

Brunei Darussalam

Despite being one of our very close neighbour, I have never visited this next door neighbour on the east. However as fate would have it, Royal Brunei offered the most economical flight to Perth when I went hunting in Matta fair early this year. The catch was... transit in Brunei. Oh well... why not, since I've never been there before.

And so, on 13th of September I flew to Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan to be exact. The transit flight from Brunei to Perth was scheduled at night, while I reached Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB) in the morning. Hmm... as I was travelling with my mom and to make things easy, we signed up for a day tour at the airport.

So be it that 13th of September is actually the 1st day of Ramadhan and it is a public holiday in Brunei. Hence the town was rather quiet... though I cant say that in the evening.

See the top 2 pictures? Those were taken when I just reached the airport, but somehow after I reached back the airport from the daytour, it was fully packed. Beats me.

From the airport, you can get this magazine published by the Brunei Tourism Board called "BIG" - Brunei's Insider Guide. It's quite informative actually, and somehow I've developed the liking for reading travel books or magazine.

The daytour is actually rather pricey but transportation in BSB is not exactly friendly and flagging down a cab is not cheap either. It costs me B$ 60 (can use S$ widely as well) for a tour to Jame' Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, Kampung Ayer, outside of Istana Nurul Iman and the food bazaar. I actually paid additional B$ 10 (per head) for them to drop my mom and me off to a mall which coincidentally call The Mall (apparently the biggest mall in BSB) and get ferried back to the airport at a set time. Mainly due to ample time and nothing much at the airport...

Jame' Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque. Look at the domes, it is gold. They actually polish it twice a month (according to the guide) if I don't remember wrongly

Unfortunately for me, the mosque is closed to non-muslims on Thursday and of course close for 1st of Ramadhan.

Let me stray a bit... the guide's name is Gary, whom when he intro himself was telling us his name was very simple only made out of a few alphabets but whatever it is.. do not leave out the "R"

see the escalator thingy covered up in the middle? It's for the Sultan of Brunei to go up to the mosque.
this is from the door of the same mosque, the red ones are rubies, the green ones are emerald and white ones are crystal. Guide said nobody try to steal wor...

Next we visited Kampung Ayer, nicknamed Venice of the East. See that boat? It is known as "Flying Coffin" because of the shape.

Opposite of Kampung Ayer, we have Kompleks Yayasan.

see the dome in the middle? That's another mosque - Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

that boat is a fake one, it doesnt sail to anywhere and it was said that the Sultan has the dream of sailing a huge ship at the river.
the food bazaar, nice and cheap food :)
The Mall, last stop before we were picked up to go back to the airport again.

So there you have it... a day in Bandar Seri Begawan ;)

Side note: I had this Nasi Katok bought from the food bazaar and I think they drugged it! Cos I keep on thinking about it when I was in Perth = ="

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Ok... this is another beginning. I'm not adopting from the Transformer cube but more of referring to the Rubik Cube. I'm sorry to say that my craze with the cube has yet ended but it is kind of dormant now due to more pressing issues like my Japanese Language Final Exams which has just ended. Anyway, you know... life is like a Rubik Cube, it is colourful yet difficult ;) So there it goes... why I name it The Cube

Side note: I'm a very poor player... but somehow butt itchy and want to crack it