Saturday, October 20, 2007


Fremantle is a port city in Western Australia, located 19 kilometres (12 mi) southwest of Perth, the state capital, at the mouth of the Swan River on Australia's western coast.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Picture from
This place gave me a feeling of very laid-back, some place where as you walk around the town, your worries will just fade away. The buildings are like those old designs, the kind that I like :)

The one thing anyone shouldn't miss is the Fremantle Market. It is a weekend market, hence do pay a visit to Fremantle on a weekend.

It was opened in 1897 selling from souvenirs, coffee, kites, fruits ... providing a lot to feast the eyes on. There is this store that sells the most economical magnets as compared to other souvenir shops I went to... and trust me, I walked in to a lot of souvenir shops hunting for t-shirt my bro-in-law's sis's daughter on behalf of my mother
(Read: mom forgot to get the extra shirt and was on the verge of blaming me for flying back on friday morning instead of friday night cos the other market, the Subiaco market where she bought the rest of the shirts is also a weekend market)

Oh yah... entrance is free for Fremantle Market ;) A gem really.

The other place I stopped by for awhile was the Fremantle Prison, but this charge A$ 16.50 for the entrance. There are 3 types of tours - Day Tours, Torchlight Tour and Tunnel Tour. Under Day Tours - there are Doing Time Tour and Great Escapes Tour. They recommended the Doing Time Tour for 1st-timers. Booking is required for the night time tour.

This is the main entrance to the Fremantle Prison. We were just in time for the last tour.
The inside of the prison compound.

The prison is divided into a few divisions, the lower number housed the less "dangerous" convicts/prisoners. The middle picture on 1st row is the kitchen area. Convicts/Prisoners are paid to work and the best paid job is in the kitchen. Only those showed good behaviour were allowed to work in the kitchen... after all, thats the place where they would handle knives and stuff.
The middle picture in the 2nd row is a picture drawn by a prisoner in his room. The hammock in the room was how the prison was ... in older times.

Fremantle Prison also housed female prisoners and the only time male and female prisoners not separated was when in church. However, female prisoners would be standing at a certain allocated place (see the picture on the right, the place behind the curtain)

And... one last time not to be missed - tucking in to Fish & Chips in Fremantle. There were a few famous restaurant but the one I went to was Cicerello's.

You will be given a pager upon ordering, then when the pager rings, lights up & vibrates, its time to pick up the fish & chips. We had fish & chips and kalamari and chips. By the way, sauces are chargable.

Side note: Suddenly I'm hungry... I want to eat kalamari & chips.

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