Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wordless talk with Jack

It was a quiet windless night. She was there, typing quietly in front of the computer, stopping occasionally to have a sip of the bittersweet concoction of Jake Daniels and Coca-cola. The ever loyal companion was left collecting dust under the table. It has been a while since she had a drink, a quiet drink while entertaining her thoughts. Tonight must've been the night that sleep would overcome more easily with the soothing of Jack. 

It was a long day. In fact, it has been long since yesterday. Started of with a flat tyre of her motorcycle, the other old friend since 10 years ago. It was a mystery, the same tyre had a small puncture exactly a month ago as well. Pushing the motorcycle looking for the said workshop was not easy. The last time they had such a long "walk" together was probably a few years back, from the KL campus of UKM to chow Kit, and from Chow Kit to Jalan Ipoh. 

After having the tube changed, she headed back to work and left her work place at night. Upon reaching home, she had her routine of checking her email. In her mailbox, there was this email that lifted up her hopes yet hit the panic button that left her nervous till the next morning. 

The phone call promised by the email never came. She waited nervously from the night before to the next morning, from morning till night. Each time her phone rang, her heart jolted a little, hoping for the said phone call... but it never came. 

The afternoon itself havent been exactly uneventful as well. She had some disagreement with a friend and she felt sad and horrible. Suddenly she felt a warm feeling creeping down from her face to the neck. Jack must've been that comforting... 

Side note: Maybe that's why people likes to drink when they are sad...

1 comment:

  1. HUGZZZZ!!!

    Life can't be that bad... Besides, when u r down, there's only one way to go... UP UP UP!!!!

    Either that or u can be as delusional as me... Sometimes, it's better to just skim the surface and not get too deep :D

    Stupid advice but oh well... I am the one stuck in Silly-pore... If not for the money I would have been long gone...

    Take care and I will see u soon...

    btw... I got 34%... It seems like I ain't as bad as I tot I was
