Monday, October 15, 2007

Caversham Wildlife Park

Most of the "to-go-places" in Perth warrants a payment. Entrance fee for Caversham Wildlife Park is A$ 17.00 per person.
The rest of the information, can be obtained from it's official website.

Main attractions are feeding the kangaroos, touching the koala and holding the wombat. There are special sessions for you to meet the wombat. The guides will tell a little about wombats before allowing for opportunity to cuddle the wombat.

As for the kangaroos, they are all housed together and you can go in by yourself without getting a guide to unlock the door as it was not locked. There are food supplied for the kangaroos, just take a few pellet and put it in front of the kangaroo/s. If they are hungry, they will eat. Otherwise, just move on to another one.

Koalas are locked up, so we were pretty lucky that we met one of the guides when we were walking about and she let us in. One is to touch the koala with the back of hand at the koala's back as touching with palm is consider rather offensive and might scare the koala. One must also not touch the leaves, otherwise the koalas will not eat them.

There are also other animals and birds. :)

Side note: Not very in the mood to blog about it at the moment... we'll see how it goes

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