Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Place in Heaven

I mentioned someone said to me "There's no place for you in heaven. " Oh well, had a chat with that friend just now...

me: ei ei
me: play that

friend: do i have to?

me: wahahha.

friend: i want i to be a surprise
friend: whether i go up or down

me: apparently i still got place in heaven
me: despite u said no place in heaven for me

friend: still got?
friend: but hey, 50 years frm now, there may be thousands more young ppl who were born later
me: ^!^@^$!@#$.. wanna wipe off my little hope ar?

friend: they were good and unfortunately they die young
friend: and they took your place

me: = ="""

friend: nah...not wipe your hope
friend: just instilling some reality in you
friend: u floating already

me: then u just tie me to chair lar...

Side note: Suddenly heaven feels so small...

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