Saturday, October 6, 2007

Down Under

Australia is the 1st western country I visited since I started to pay for my own travelling trip and one of the main reason why I visited this country down under is to visit my sis who is currently working in Perth. And hence, the visit to Perth, Western Australia.

And.. Australia got cuteeeee animals :P

The koala which sleeps 20 hours a day...

The kangaroo that came to us... and we thought it was camera friendly but probably he wanted food 

The wombat that weighs 26 kg and still a baby...

The evilly-cute Tasmanian Devil

Note: All pics taken in Caversham Wildlife Park. I'll try to write more about the park later... a bit the late to write so much :P

Side note: I like the Tasmanian Devil, looked so naughty yet so cute :P

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