
Central Europe: Czech Republic - Day trip to Kutna Hora

December 31, 2014
We had enough time for a day trip away from Prague, and our pick was Kutna Hora. The main attraction in Kutna Hora was the famous "bone church". K did some research and decided that the best way to enjoy the day trip and know more about the history was to do it...

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Central Europe: Czech Republic - Things to See/Do in Prague

December 29, 2014
After hearing (also reading stories) from Little P years back on Prague, I looked forward to see Prague myself. That was seven years ago. Fast forward seven years, the sights are still there, but it has also grown in popularity. I suspect it is now one of the major stops for masses of Asian tours......

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Central Europe: Dobrý den Praha!

December 27, 2014
We left Budapest in the arvo and reached Prague at night. Before boarding the train in Budapest, K visited Omorovicza, a luxury skin care products from Hungary's famous thermal baths. A brand that I have only heard of when she said she wanted to drop by to grab a couple of things. In...

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Merry Christmas to All

December 25, 2014
Lately there's a new busker in Swanston Street - Santa Stone. He looks pretty cool eh ;) Side note: Anyway - Merry Christmas to all.  ...

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Central Europe: Hungary - Budapest at night

December 23, 2014
This gets it's own post because great effort was taken to snap the photos. K's camera battery went flat on the first day, plus it was getting late and we have not had dinner yet. Second night I was as sick as a dog and slept early. I dragged myself out on the...

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