
Ph(f)oto Friday: Advent Calendar

November 29, 2013
I first learned about Advent calendar after I came in Australia. All I know was it is used to countdown to Christmas. Probably mostly for little kids, as the more common ones I see are those in the form of a large rectangular card with "windows" and each window contains chocolate or something....

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2013 Skechers Spring into Shape

November 24, 2013
Spring into Shape is a series of 3 runs, one each in September, October and November. We got the promotion email because we joined the expensive The Age Run. I happily moved the email to my trash bin but Little P's eyes shined at the sight of free running T if one signed...

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Ph(f)oto Friday: Brinjal Prawn

November 22, 2013
Mmm.. ya - Brinjal prawn is my translation. I have no idea what it the actual name. Little P and I went to have yum cha brunch. We have a few default dishes that we usually take - egg tarts (how can one not like egg tart?), liu sha bao (ahh.. the yummy...

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The Race That Stops a Nation

November 18, 2013
Pin and win! When I was staying in Sydney, all I know about Melbourne Cup was it is a big race event, and work organise sweeps, nibbles and drinks were provided to watch this horse racing event that probably goes for just a couple of minutes, followed by chats and probably early day off...

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Ph(f)oto Friday: Lozenge

November 15, 2013
I know it is might be a little strange to take a picture of a throat lozenge but the first time I was offered one, I was like, "Ooh, this lozenge is pretty!" LOL So I decided to take a picture of it, and yes - still much to the amusement of my co-workers....

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Ph(f)oto Friday: Part 2 - Payback

November 08, 2013
D has a lemon tree at home, and on off he would bring in one or two lemon to make lemon drink. So far I had drawn smiley face on his lemons and hid them, so D has a standing instruction that I am not allowed to disturb his lemons :P He mocked...

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Dragon Boating in Docklands

November 03, 2013
Grab one and paddle away! In her googling spree, Little P found out that we could try our hands at Dragon Boat Racing (or in our case, just Dragon Boat-ing, what race?) with Dragon Masters on their come-and-try-day to look for new paddlers. We made our way to Docklands on a breezy cool-ish...

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Ph(f)oto Friday: Part 1 - Overnight Oats

November 01, 2013
That's banana - not butter :P Of late, I started lunch time (or be-early lunch time) running with a colleague. We usually go out at 11.15 am and hope to be back in a hour's time (lunch break) just in case too many people wanting to use the bathroom. By the time I...

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