Went for a day trip in Central Coast in October last year, yeah.. so this post is sort of 'dated'. Central Coast is about an hour drive from Sydney, it is consider one of the destination for short breaks around Sydney. We didn't do a lot as it was only a day trip...
It's all about the view in Sydney... and of course, one of the view is the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. Many, many buses bring tourist this designated spot to take picture of the Opera House, one of them is Kirribilli. At night, especially on the weekend, you'll see tourist, especially Chinese...
Everytime I saw the last post, I wanted to blog another post cos the title stressed even more that the post is dated. Somehow, day goes to week, proceed to month... and it is still that last post.Someone asked if I dont blog anymore, another hassled me about not updating, another one said...