
What I notice...

August 24, 2008
1. Fork is the utensil to go in Australia. Even when you eat "chap fan", it comes with fork instead of spoon. Spoons are only given if you are eating food which cannot be lifted with a fork, of course... soup.2. Bolster is unheard of here. Hence, I have to settle with another...

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August 12, 2008
Lost my flow of thoughts. But there’s just some time when some things happen and this phrase crops up in the head. There are not many moments that happen, but in rare few instances…A couple of days ago, chatted with a friend over MSN and that thought crept past my mind again… nay,...

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August 11, 2008
Tempted to post it up after seeing my sis's blog Somewhere along the way to Blue's Point Outside Milsons Point train station By the road side In Lavender Park Lavender Park with Lavender Bay in the background Random bush in Milsons Point Random home garden Along Lavender Bay Also along Lavender Bay From...

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Temporary "backyard"

August 07, 2008
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