
Forgive and forget?

June 20, 2008
Forgive and forget. That’s what they say. It’s good advice, but it’s not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled… old wounds never heal. And the most we can hope for, is...

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June 13, 2008
Just finished watching this HK drama 最美丽的第7天. In one of the episode, there was this narration that when I heard of it, I paused the show, and start googling.没有他的日子黑夜的每个角落,都充斥着他的身影,弥漫着他的气味,残留着他的笑声,她与他的感觉渐渐失去,虽然失去了,至少你曾经拥有,和他一起笑着走过的一段路。。。。。。 No... it doesn't have any special meaning to me, but it is indeed a good phrase.Side note: I learnt a new medical condition from...

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Break from cleaning up...

June 10, 2008
Was looking through the cluttered files in my HDD and found this media file. I got a bit distracted from the organizing... its easy to be distracted from cleaning & organizing anyway. It was this media file prepared by Little P for Moomoo gal for her last day at work, dated back in...

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My Pathetic 作文

June 03, 2008
ホイアン (Hoi An) は ベトナム(Vietnam)の 小さくて、古い 町 です。小さい 町 ですから、空港 と 電車の駅 が ありません。でも ホイアン (Hoi An) へ いったら、簡単 ですよ。まず ハノイ(Hanoi) から 電車で フエ (Hue) へ いきます。フエ (Hue) から ホイアン(Hoi An)まで バス で 4 時間 かかります。 ホイアン (Hoi An)は きれいだし、静かだし、それで 有名 です。いくら 便利じゃない でも、多くのい 人 は ホイアン (Hoi An) にへ 旅行します に いきます。...

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I really shouldn't go out...

June 02, 2008
Ok... I realise everytime I step out of the house, more than RM 50 will disappear from the purse. I'm not even a shopaholic but the $$ flows out faster than water... creepy. Blood test - RM 114 Lunch - RM 10 Books - RM 68 Miki Ojisan no Mise cheese cake -...

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