
Keeping Score

January 29, 2008
I wrote, "Learn how to make up" in a couple of posts back... and to make it work, I've engaged help. Little P brought my make up sensei and I to Mid Valley to buy the necessary "supplies" for class and thereafter I attended my first lesson in Little P's house. And oh...

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Putrajaya Highway

January 28, 2008
Side note: Lesson learnt - not to accidentally put earphone in green tea. It took over a weekend to really dry up = =" ...

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January 22, 2008
作詞:光良 作曲:光良我帶著一顆疲憊的心走了wo dai zhe yi ke pi bei de xin zou leI left with a tired heart我知道自己在你心裡已不重要wo zhi dao zi ji zai ni xin li yi bu zhong yaoI know I'm no longer important in your heart雖然我們曾經相聚過sui ran wo men ceng jing xiang ju guoDespite we have met before也許對於你來說ye xu dui yu ni...

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Gambling January

January 18, 2008
The other day I wrote, "2008 is the year of change and decisions." Think I might need to amend it a little. Maybe it's no longer a year of change and decisions, instead it has suddenly became a year of gambling and decisions. At least, in January...I've been working at the same insurance...

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Babi Guling

January 16, 2008
WARNING: This post is non-halal. Please do not read on if would be offended. Any uneasiness caused is much regreted. This is one of the most recommended food in Bali. According to this website, babi guling is more commonly name as be guling. It could be prepared using duck or chicken but the...

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January 14, 2008
作词:姚谦 作曲:伍思凯 编曲:伍思凯时间已做了选择 什么人叫做朋友shi jian yi zuo liao xuan zeshen me ren jiao zuo peng you偶而碰头 心情却能一点就通ou er peng touxin qing que neng yi dian jiu tong因为我们曾有过 理想类似的生活yin wei wo men zeng you guoli xiang lei si de shen huo太多感受 绝非三言两语能形容tai duo gan shouque fei san yan liang yu neng xin rong可能有时我们顾虑太多 太多决定需要我们去选择ke...

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January 14, 2008
Meet Ethan. He was this little boy who stayed in a orphanage in a small valley in a faraway land. The orphanage was a small one, with only a handful of kids. It was run by a kind and gentle old lady. Despite staying in simple poverty life, they were happy. One day,...

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January 04, 2008
It's the turn of a new year. People blogs about new year resolution. I don't remember if I make any new year resolution last year, or just ponder over what has happen in the year prior. The 2 resolutions I made... was it for 2006 or 2007? I don't remember. Anyway, maybe its...

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Life is also like comic strips

January 04, 2008
Maybe not all comic strips... but reading Calvin & Hobbes is like seeing it in life itself. Don't believe? Read the below... Side note: "Sticks and stones may hurt my bone but words will never hurt me"... Sigh... ...

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Ermm... happy 2008?

January 02, 2008
Have you ever feel reluctant to sleep during the night, and refuse to wake up the next day? Sleepiness and late night aside, do you realise that when we are shying away to face something, there would be this reluctance?Remembered this poem I wrote some time ago, when I was considering of 2...

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