Hong Kong: Other meals

By Cubie - August 02, 2024

It was our last day in Hong Kong. The plan was to take a ferry to Macau although we know there is also the bus option. On the day itself only we decided to take an evening ferry, maybe around 4 PM or so. I tried to buy the tickets online but unsuccessful. We initially thought to just rock up, buy tickets and get on a ferry but were advised otherwise by the hotel staff. They said that the tickets might run out. So we decided to split up as there was point to have everybody going to buy ferry tickets. 

Anyway food first. Breakfast as usual at a cha chaan teng, we went to Soul Kitchen 四寶食堂. After the tasty pork chop bun from the day before, we decided to also try pork chop from this place but it fell short. Below was our breakfast situation that day. 

We split up after breakfast. I went to get the ferry tickets from Sheung Wan. We went with Turbojet from Sheung Wan to Macau Outer Harbour. The rest went for a ride on the iconic Hong Kong tram and hunt for Pokemon cards. I am still a little perplexed how I only managed to have 2 meals and got ferry tickets when our ferry was later in the evening. 

By the time I got the tickets, we met back at Central MTR station and have lunch. We ended up at this Taiwanese food eatery in Central - Eat Together 一起食堂. I thought it was ok but my mother wasn't impressed. 

After lunch, sis, niece and me went back to the hotel to grab our luggage. On arriving back to Sheung Wan MTR, sis and niece went first while I queued up to return our MTR cards. After that I had to run with a backpack and a cabin-sized suitcase to the departure terminal. Just as I passed the security check, I heard the staff spoke to a walkie-talkie to alert that the last passenger had arrived - a female with glasses, carrying a backpack and a suitcase, i.e. me. Haha. 

From memory, we took the 4:30 PM ferry. So we should have enough time to do more but somehow all I managed to do was had breakfast, bought tickets and ate lunch. 

Side note: Why do I feel like a puddle of water?

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