Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kangaroo Island: Penneshaw and Seal Bay

Jetstar is offering sales tickets to Osaka and Tokyo again. Uggh.. it drives me crazy every time I see those sales. I want to go to Japan!... but the travelling time are selected dates from September to December this year. I must keep in mind of this sales next year if I want to go to Japan during autumn next year.

Anyway... I got distracted... easily. Back to Kangaroo Island. Ferry brought us from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw.

Getting off the ferry, there were people directing the ferry passengers to respective day tours operators. I headed towards the Sealink. There were a few selected tours, so after a quick confirmation, I hopped on the bus.

Journey from Penneshaw to Seal Bay actually took quite a while. Along the way, scenary were not bad but sky looked gloomy, threaten to rain again.

The bus drive who also acted as our guide gave some introduction along the way, at some point, he pointed out for us to looked out and see kangaroos roaming freely. So there are kangaroos in the wild, not in parks. Have yet to see any while koalas though. My colleague's partner who is from the UK reckons koalas don't live in the wild... think sooner or later, I have to agree with him :P

Seal Bay is home to the third largest breeding colony of Australian sea lions. It is said that these sea lions usually spend 3 days feeding in the sea and 3 days on shore resting, that's where we were going to see those sea lions.

Apparently, the guide said we would spend about 40 minutes seeing the sea lions. I thought to myself, 40 minutes sound decent time. However, I have to say I was rather disappointed, and I am not too sure if we did spend 40 minutes, it was totally short visit. We barely stepped to the beach.

Look at the hanging bridge, asking to be explore!... but we didn't go anywhere near it

We were to move in a group, led by a guide from the park... on a wooden plank walkway, heading towards the beach. Where we saw these 2 little sea lions playing. They were very far away actually...

At certain point... this far away...

At at nearer view, were this family of sea lions... to which when I showed my friend, she commented, "Look like a family of sea lions commited suicide"
= =""

Then, we were all told to head back. On the way back, I saw this sea lion.. this was the closest view I saw. Actually, the sea lion was looking straight up to a little girl, sort of inviting her to play. I just so happen to walk past near the little girl. Lucky ^_^

Side note: Hope the sleepy spell has worn off...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Kangaroo Island: The Beginning in Cape Jervis

I was undecided if I wanted to take a day tour to visit the Kangaroo Island. It was expensive, the price is equivalent to my return flight ticket from Sydney to Adelaide, which supposedly was on sale. Though of course, a slightly higher sale price considering it was a long weekend.

Anyway, considering that I might not return to Adelaide in the near future, I decided to bite the bullet and made a booking. Reason for daytrip - I was travelling by myself, it may actually be cheaper than me driving and all, and of course, I don't exactly have a license to drive in Australia. Also Kangaroo Island is a bit of a pain to travel about without motor transport.

I booked my Kangaroo Island daytour with Sealink. Sealink actually runs the ferry between mainland and the island. My choice was the Kangaroo Island Highlights Day Tour. Many recommended on staying for a couple of days, however I have only 3 days and I am not willing to spend more than this on Kangaroo Island or Adelaide. This tour includes pick up from hostel/hotel to Cape Jervis where we continue our journey by ferry to Penneshaw of Kangaroo Island. Then back to a bus for touring around the island and the return journey.

After a very early flight to Adelaide the night before, this day tour is a very long tour. I was picked up from the hostel I stayed in at 6.15am. Reason being time included to pick up other passengers, and from Adelaide to Cape Jervis about 90 minutes.

I hopped on the bus when I was still fuzzy from sleep, in a still dark morning sky. Most of my fellow tour member were couples. That's the downside of tours I suppose.

When we reached Cape Jervis, the sky has brighten up. I treated myself a cup of coffee and tuna bun I packed earlier. Still can't get how people travel in style with a tiny little handbag, when just a camera has hogged up all the space, let alone some snack, bread, water bottle, beanie....

View to accompany a skim flat white

On board the ferry..

Doggies allowed on board
The front of the ferry, looking out to the destination
A small counter selling food and drinks
2 kids on board of ferry were teasing a doggie by dropping a dog soft toy of the floor. Not the doggie in picture, another doggie...

Side note: Hibernating over the weekend...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Adelaide: Central Market

Central Market in Adelaide is one of the most visited tourist attraction in South Australia. And from this website, it is said to be the largest fresh produce market in the Southern Hemisphere. I don't know how true this is as I have got the impression that it took me longer to wander through Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne. Maybe in terms of fresh produce market it is.

Anyway, you can even register for a guided tour when visit this market. I didn't, was just wandering about by myself. However, do note of the opening hours, just in case you turn p on Mondays and Sundays and it is closed.

I bought a most unlikely thing at this famous fresh produce market in Adelaide - sweat pants. Umm.. not from the fresh food stall of course, but yeah.. a little unlikely purchase. It is winter now and at that point of time, it was rather cold and I thought it is a good buy, to sleep in anyway.

I was very tempted to buy some German sausages back after those very yummy sausages in Hahndorf but I dare not risk it. It's raw food after all, and Australian Custom is not very forgiving about bringing food even across states. It may be alright but I'm not prepare to risk it.

I did however, grab an apple pastry and a doughnut for dinner the next day.

Side note: Just one more day to go...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

South Australia: Beerenberg Farm

Beerenberg is German for 'Berry Hill'... unfortunately I was there in June, where all the strawberries plants are pretty much bald. It is said that Beerenberg hillsides are covered with ripe strawberries from late October to early May. In fact, I think the big attraction of visiting Beerenberg Farm is picking your own strawberries during the strawberry season, with a small fee of $3, free for kids 13 years and under.

Botak strawberries plants when I was there, in fact it was with gloomy sky. I make good use of my daytrip ticket, taking a bus from bus stop 55 to bus stop 57.

The farm shop was empty, aside from one lady manning the cashier... and me. There were other things on sale aside from strawberry jam like chutney, honey, sauces, dressings.

There are different sizes on sale, from big to little ones. Also those 'rejected' on lower price. 'Rejected' meaning it doesn't fill up to the usual volume, etc. They used another term for it but I can't remember it.

Everybody else who visited the farm shop drove. I must've been this strange lone girl who went there on a bus and then stood at the bus stop, by the side of the road, in the rain waiting for the bus to come. I dare not stand under the shed, just outside the shop as I would not be in time to flag down the bus then. Anyways, all's good, it was not pouring like cats and dogs. A friend said am I try to prove that I can withstand the cold or am I not scare to get sick. Huh? Of course not. There were no intention of such. Probably developed some sort of immunity over the years of riding the bike in the rain, not by choice either.

Anyway, so there... not exactly visiting the farm, more so the farm shop :P

Side note: Got to stop all those snacking after meal :(

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hahndorf: A German Settlement in Australia

Hahndorf is located in Adelaide Hills, and is one of its most famous town. It is also Australia's oldest surviving German settlement. I can't comment if it really resembles a German town as I have never been to Germany before, but it is a lovely town. Technically, the main attraction is Hahndorf Main Street, where shops line both side of the street, including some quirky shops and German bakeries.

To me, Hahndorf sounds like a popular day trip destination... but strangely, when I asked the lady at Tourist Info in Adelaide Airport on public transport to Hahndorf, she didn't know. She seem troubled that I was going to do it as a day trip and suggested that I joined a day tour. Me? Nah. I was pretty sure there are public transports to Hahndorf. I thought I'll ask at the backpack place when I checked in. They were a little better, at least they know there are public buses but said it is a difficult to get to. I wasn't too convinced and I found the best place to ask - Adelaide Metro :)

And you know what? It was heaps easy to get to, right outside Adelaide Metro at Currie Street, bus no 864 and 864F at stop E1. And since I'm going on about public transport... Adelaide Metro is great, and the best thing is a daytrip ticket at $8.60 - covers everything serviced by Adelaide Metro - trams, trains, buses. How cool is that... none of such thing in Sydney, unfortunately :(

Getting to Hahndorf by bus takes approximately 45 minutes, get off at stop no 54. This is somewhere near bus stop 54 - some sort of winery/restaurant from memory.

Not too sure if this is someone's house, but I find the hanging bicycles interesting. :P

Along the streets, were some nice shops to explore and poke about.

This reminded me of Moo Moo Gal... hence the photo :)

St Paul's Lutheran Church at the opposite end of the street.

It started drizzled at this time, opposed to what the weather forecast showing sunny days throughout the long weekend. Oh well, I suppose it was a little different, what I saw was forecast for Adelaide, this is in Adelaide Hills. So there... see the weather forecast but bring your umbrella, which I didn't. No umbrella, no raincoat, no poncho. However, the lucky thing was it was pouring heavily.

I walked back down the street, it was time to warm myself up with pipping hot, hearty meal. Nothing better than some German sausages in Hahndorf :D
I had my meal in Bistro 25.

Very yummy venison sausages, served with sauerkraut and purple cabbage
Washed down with hot chocolate
I spend the next few minutes waiting for a bus going up the street, at this bus stop, opposite of Bistro 25. Not the building... just the bus stop :P

Next stop - Strawberry Farm

Side note: I feel like a slug. I don't know why but am really tired. Maybe cos I'm stuffing myself silly with snacks after meal? Doubt it is related...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An early flight to the south of Down Under

I worked really hard on weekdays, worked on Saturdays and when I thought the rough days were easing away, I got myself into working on a database which is 'side dish' to the usual day to day work. I justified to myself that after all the hard work, I'm entitled to a holidays. I called it one of those cuti-cuti Australia. One thing evident, cuti-cuti Malaysia are way much economical than cuti-cuti Australia.

I'm in the midst of collecting Australia's state capitals, at current count, I still need Hobart and Darwin. As I was going to travel on a long weekend (Queen's Birthday), flight tickets on Friday night and back on Monday night is way expensive. As I raked up a day in lieu from working on a few Saturdays (a few hours here and there), I decided to request if I can take the day in lieu on Friday instead. It worked out the cheapest way to fly is the earliest flight on Friday morning and back on Sunday instead of Monday. On top of that, I would save a night of accommodation as well.

After the very long-winded explanation, that is the reason as to why I get shots like this from the flight.

Side note: Brrr... cold...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy Dumpling Day

A day belated, but happy dumpling day to all, nonetheless. Since I stepped into Kangaroo Land, I have not had any homemade dumplings or bak chang (whichever your preference to refer it as). I still remember the year I came it was a couple of days after Duan Wu Jie and one of my friend brought me some homemade dumpling.

And.. that was the last of yummy dumpling. Last year, I tried to join the bandwagon of eating dumpling on the day itself, and got myself one. It... was horrible. I didn't take any picture though. This year, I thought I'll give it another chance. I bought not one, but 2. Hmm..

One is pork with salted egg, the other chicken with mushroom. I would've only got one if they make one with chicken+salted egg+mushroom. Anyway, I tried the one with salted egg first.

Seeing the pale colour of the dumpling, my heart dropped. I was not hopeful that it would be tasty. Oh wasn't but being brought up not to waste food, I finished every bit of it, dousing with a spicy ABC chilli sauce. That was a big ball of rice with only 1 piece of pork about 1cm x 1 cm x 1 cm, 1 piece of pork fat of the same size (which I don't eat), 1 piece of salted egg and the yellow bean that you can see. I am not exaggerating though I don't have pictures to prove cos this is the only picture I have on that dumpling.

I kept the other dumpling till yesterday. This one was the chicken with mushroom dumpling.

If you think the dumpling looks quite tasty, I welcome all credit on my photography skill. If you think otherwise, it is not my lack of skill but how the fact is. In fact, I can't seem to remember seeing any mushroom, maybe it has been chopped to small pieces a mixed together with the minced chicken.

So there... if you have any intention of making yourself disliking dumplings or bak chang. Welcome to Sydney, buy some and eat them. I assure you that in time, you will grow to dislike this specialty food on Dumpling Day.

There may be some good ones that I have not encounter but my colleague at work who seem to know where to find all the good deals and food have not found any yet either. So, I'm not hopeful.. and mind you, I paid $3.50 for each one of these dumplings.

So there.. despite my ramblings on dumplings. Hope all had a great day anyways :P

Side note: The line is always scheduled to be on trackwork when I really need to catch the train.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Balls Head and Berry Island

Sometime end of last year, I bought a book - Sydney's Best Harbour & Coastal Walks. Its full colour guide to 37 walks. Some of them I've done it over and over again, especially the ones that crossed the Harbour Bridge. Anyway, I decided to kick myself out of the house and did one of the walk. My pick this round - Balls Head and Berry Island. It was Walk number 19.

I took the train to Waverton, armed with a couple of leftover cookies I made the week prior (oh..maybe should blog that up sometime :P) and stopped by to grab a takeaway skim flat white. Funnily, at a cafe called The Grumpy Baker.

From there, I walked up to Larkin St, passing the Waverton Park.

Continuing on, and veered into the former BP site.

Initially, I thought the BP site was just that... as I walked on, I found there is much, much to it! Also to my surprise, I've been there, during the 7 Bridges Walk. Haha.. didn't know what it was called at that time :P

There was this viewing deck...

... looking out to this beautiful view of Sydney.

Haha.. there was 10 pit stops... and all that was just the first one. I sure took too long to move on :P

One from the Berrys Bay.

From there, I followed the course down to Old Quarantine Depot.

Pit Stop 3 - view from Balls Head Reserve.

Looking over to Cockatoo Island.

Some random flower to practice my macro shot.

After making a loop at the Balls Head Drive, I was back at Horace Street, heading to HMAS Waterhen. Heading down to that, Oyster Cove.

Where the rich people have their nice boats...

Then I continued onward to this place call Badangi Reserve... and I got a little confused with the track.

It said, low tide - go via beach, otherwise, heaad to Millars Road. Initially, I attempted going down low tide track... just that the track sort of disappeared. I can't seem to get down to the edge of the headland, and I can't remember where exactly I walked from, after all it was all trees and bushes. No track to be seen. That was when the iPhone worked wonders - with google map and compass. Retraced my steps in a beat.

Got to Berry Island from the high tide track. I did the Gadyan Track, was starving by then. LOL.. I must've spent my own sweet time taking pictures :P

The suggested route of getting back to Wollstonecraft Station is via the long winded Gore Cove Track. It was surprising a very nice, calm and green track. I enjoyed this part of the walk very much, it is unexpected that this... is in the middle of North Shore :)

Oh... and to end it, I rewarded myself with a yummy Lebanese Chicken Wrap for lunch :P

Side note: I need Microsoft Access Graphs for dummies.. :P