Wednesday, June 22, 2011

South Australia: Beerenberg Farm

Beerenberg is German for 'Berry Hill'... unfortunately I was there in June, where all the strawberries plants are pretty much bald. It is said that Beerenberg hillsides are covered with ripe strawberries from late October to early May. In fact, I think the big attraction of visiting Beerenberg Farm is picking your own strawberries during the strawberry season, with a small fee of $3, free for kids 13 years and under.

Botak strawberries plants when I was there, in fact it was with gloomy sky. I make good use of my daytrip ticket, taking a bus from bus stop 55 to bus stop 57.

The farm shop was empty, aside from one lady manning the cashier... and me. There were other things on sale aside from strawberry jam like chutney, honey, sauces, dressings.

There are different sizes on sale, from big to little ones. Also those 'rejected' on lower price. 'Rejected' meaning it doesn't fill up to the usual volume, etc. They used another term for it but I can't remember it.

Everybody else who visited the farm shop drove. I must've been this strange lone girl who went there on a bus and then stood at the bus stop, by the side of the road, in the rain waiting for the bus to come. I dare not stand under the shed, just outside the shop as I would not be in time to flag down the bus then. Anyways, all's good, it was not pouring like cats and dogs. A friend said am I try to prove that I can withstand the cold or am I not scare to get sick. Huh? Of course not. There were no intention of such. Probably developed some sort of immunity over the years of riding the bike in the rain, not by choice either.

Anyway, so there... not exactly visiting the farm, more so the farm shop :P

Side note: Got to stop all those snacking after meal :(

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