Thursday, June 2, 2011

Balls Head and Berry Island

Sometime end of last year, I bought a book - Sydney's Best Harbour & Coastal Walks. Its full colour guide to 37 walks. Some of them I've done it over and over again, especially the ones that crossed the Harbour Bridge. Anyway, I decided to kick myself out of the house and did one of the walk. My pick this round - Balls Head and Berry Island. It was Walk number 19.

I took the train to Waverton, armed with a couple of leftover cookies I made the week prior (oh..maybe should blog that up sometime :P) and stopped by to grab a takeaway skim flat white. Funnily, at a cafe called The Grumpy Baker.

From there, I walked up to Larkin St, passing the Waverton Park.

Continuing on, and veered into the former BP site.

Initially, I thought the BP site was just that... as I walked on, I found there is much, much to it! Also to my surprise, I've been there, during the 7 Bridges Walk. Haha.. didn't know what it was called at that time :P

There was this viewing deck...

... looking out to this beautiful view of Sydney.

Haha.. there was 10 pit stops... and all that was just the first one. I sure took too long to move on :P

One from the Berrys Bay.

From there, I followed the course down to Old Quarantine Depot.

Pit Stop 3 - view from Balls Head Reserve.

Looking over to Cockatoo Island.

Some random flower to practice my macro shot.

After making a loop at the Balls Head Drive, I was back at Horace Street, heading to HMAS Waterhen. Heading down to that, Oyster Cove.

Where the rich people have their nice boats...

Then I continued onward to this place call Badangi Reserve... and I got a little confused with the track.

It said, low tide - go via beach, otherwise, heaad to Millars Road. Initially, I attempted going down low tide track... just that the track sort of disappeared. I can't seem to get down to the edge of the headland, and I can't remember where exactly I walked from, after all it was all trees and bushes. No track to be seen. That was when the iPhone worked wonders - with google map and compass. Retraced my steps in a beat.

Got to Berry Island from the high tide track. I did the Gadyan Track, was starving by then. LOL.. I must've spent my own sweet time taking pictures :P

The suggested route of getting back to Wollstonecraft Station is via the long winded Gore Cove Track. It was surprising a very nice, calm and green track. I enjoyed this part of the walk very much, it is unexpected that this... is in the middle of North Shore :)

Oh... and to end it, I rewarded myself with a yummy Lebanese Chicken Wrap for lunch :P

Side note: I need Microsoft Access Graphs for dummies.. :P


  1. wahhh... so nice... envy!! got so many places to explore for trekking and hiking... hehe...

  2. haha.. yeah.. there's quite a bit.. but some need to take bus and i'm not very fond of buses :P
