Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An early flight to the south of Down Under

I worked really hard on weekdays, worked on Saturdays and when I thought the rough days were easing away, I got myself into working on a database which is 'side dish' to the usual day to day work. I justified to myself that after all the hard work, I'm entitled to a holidays. I called it one of those cuti-cuti Australia. One thing evident, cuti-cuti Malaysia are way much economical than cuti-cuti Australia.

I'm in the midst of collecting Australia's state capitals, at current count, I still need Hobart and Darwin. As I was going to travel on a long weekend (Queen's Birthday), flight tickets on Friday night and back on Monday night is way expensive. As I raked up a day in lieu from working on a few Saturdays (a few hours here and there), I decided to request if I can take the day in lieu on Friday instead. It worked out the cheapest way to fly is the earliest flight on Friday morning and back on Sunday instead of Monday. On top of that, I would save a night of accommodation as well.

After the very long-winded explanation, that is the reason as to why I get shots like this from the flight.

Side note: Brrr... cold...

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