Thursday, June 23, 2011

Adelaide: Central Market

Central Market in Adelaide is one of the most visited tourist attraction in South Australia. And from this website, it is said to be the largest fresh produce market in the Southern Hemisphere. I don't know how true this is as I have got the impression that it took me longer to wander through Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne. Maybe in terms of fresh produce market it is.

Anyway, you can even register for a guided tour when visit this market. I didn't, was just wandering about by myself. However, do note of the opening hours, just in case you turn p on Mondays and Sundays and it is closed.

I bought a most unlikely thing at this famous fresh produce market in Adelaide - sweat pants. Umm.. not from the fresh food stall of course, but yeah.. a little unlikely purchase. It is winter now and at that point of time, it was rather cold and I thought it is a good buy, to sleep in anyway.

I was very tempted to buy some German sausages back after those very yummy sausages in Hahndorf but I dare not risk it. It's raw food after all, and Australian Custom is not very forgiving about bringing food even across states. It may be alright but I'm not prepare to risk it.

I did however, grab an apple pastry and a doughnut for dinner the next day.

Side note: Just one more day to go...

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