Sunday, March 15, 2020

10 day Jordan itinerary

Index page for my 10 days in Jordan trip.

Breakdown of travel days and links to accommodations.
Things to consider when planning a trip to Jordan.
Food to try in Jordan.

Day 1: Arriving in Jordan and bus to Petra/Wadi Musa
Day 2: Main Trail, Ad-Deir and Al-Khubtha trails and Petra by Night
Day 3: High Place of Sacrifice Trail in Petra

Wadi Rum
Day 4: Jeep tour and overnight at Wadi Rum

Day 5: Of Red Sea and walkabout in Aqaba

Amman / Jerash / Al-Karak
Day 6: Back to the north to the capital of Jordan, Amman
Day 7: Day trip to Jerash from Amman
Day 8: Day trip to Kerak Castle from Amman

Madaba / Mount Nebo / Bethany Beyond the Jordan / Dead Sea
Day 9 - Day trip to Madaba, Mount Nebo, Bethany Beyond the Jordan and overnight at Dead Sea
Day 10 - Dead Sea and flight home

Side note: There are so much more other interesting places in Jordan like Wadi Mujib, Dana Biosphere Reserve, Aljoun...

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