Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Perth: Pluck your own strawberries

Sis and family live in Perth, so on/off I would do a R&R to Perth. Sometimes I do via a long weekend but the last couple of years I could ask to work for a short stint in Perth and save up my annual leave, I thought that was a brilliant idea and did that once or twice. My last visit to Perth was just that, off to Perth on a Thursday evening and back the weekend after so that I get at least a full weekend. After all, initially sis planned a farm stay since mum was in Perth then and that would require a minimum two nights' stay.

Long story short, farm stay didn't work out and in lieu of that we went to pluck some strawberries as I was there in October last year. (err ha ha, yes I'm still covering up all the back posts).

Sis did some googling and off we went to Ti Strawberry Farm in Bullsbrook. It's a good way to spend some time but oh gosh, the flies! Also, the dust will cover all over your shoes, haha. It was said that the farm was open for pluck-your-own because the strawberries are over ripe for any commercial purposes.

I didn't have many photos as this round I didn't carry my camera to reduce luggage load as I was being cheapskate and didn't pay extra for any check-in luggage, also needing to carry a work laptop.

Post strawberry picking, we had bread, pastry, sorbet, crepe, sponge cake, smoothie - all with strawberry as the core ingredient. I only helped in eating... hahaha... and also stole this photo from sis.. haha.

It was seriously just pretty much a lot of eating going around especially since I was working Australian Eastern time in Perth, which was a 3 hour difference so I had 2 breakfasts every day and plenty of "tea time" and snacks throughout the day.

Almond brioche
Braised dried oyster in minced meat balls
Yong tau fu
More yong tau fu and stuffed green chillies

Side note: I'm hungry again!

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