Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sydney: The trip with the least photos

Granted it was a work trip and only a couple of days (flying out of Melbourne on a Tuesday afternoon and return on Saturday morning) but usually I had more photos and just a handful. In fact, majority of the photos were taken from the flight, almost thought "Why did I lug my camera along?" Lol.

Anyways, the main reason for the trip was for a team building activity on a Friday afternoon. After a voting session by everybody in the team, we went for cocktail masterclass at Li'l Darling in Surry Hills. The masterclass started with a demonstration of making 3 cocktails by the bartenders. Thereafter each of us get to make our own pick of cocktail. On top of that, each get another drink and we were served some pizzas. Definitely a lot of alcohol going around. I made an espresso martini...

Balance of my dinners of course were with friends. We had Izakaya Masuya and Sushi of Masuya (now name Masuya Suisan) this round. Ahem.. I was being polite so I didn't take any photos at all (what was I thinking?) I actually missed Ippudo this trip too (see, least photos, least food. Tsk tsk) and I had Chat Thai with another friend over a dinner.

I stayed in Four Points by Sheraton overlooking Darling Harbour. They don't have a swimming pool (what's with the hotel in Sydney, the ones I ended up with doesn't have a swimming pool. Sux) but the room was ok. The view wasn't bad though.

The weather was probably the worse I had as a visitor to Sydney. It was pouring the whole time we were there... and I didn't bring an umbrella. On one of the nights when I walking passed the junction of Barrack Street and George Street, I got a fright...

As we had the cocktail masterclass on a Friday afternoon/evening, we fly out on Saturday. The best photo of the whole trip was probably this one. Well, rainbow wins :)

Promised I have redeemed myself with the next Sydney trip, definitely more food photos! ^^

Side note: Long weekend is a bliss (/^▽^)/


  1. Nice rainbow shot.

    I'd gotten a fright too that night.. seeing that statue.

    1. thanks! haha.. yes, and I was quite close to the statue and though, "Ekk... !" haha..
