Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bayside: Black Rock Beach and Brighton Bathing Boxes

Still playing catching up. This was taken on my birthday earlier this year when my friend suggested we should get our butts off the couch (in our respective home) and go for a little walk. We had a brunch before she very kindly drove us to Black Rock Beach for a little stroll.

Black Rock Beach is about 10 minutes away from the more famous icon, the Brighton Bathing Boxes which I have just realised I didn't post any of the pictures up. Anyway, let's remedy that, here's a couple of photos to show what is a bathing box.

So.. back to Black Rock Beach. We had a bit of a walk and tried to get up to 10K steps as tracked by my friend's fitbit. We gave up after awhile and it was getting too warm and went for a smoothie instead. Ha ha.. somehow every time I went for a walk, I ended it with some sort of food. :P

After smoothies, we even treat ourselves to an early dinner of nasi lemak. Well, I've heard hearsay that calories don't count on celebrations... I hope that is true :D

Side note: 琅琊榜 is an excellent drama! 

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