Sunday, August 4, 2013

10 Random Things

It started out that my friend told me to write a profile about myself. I was just playing along, even if it doesn't work, hope it would at least amuse her.

1. Has affinity to square things - TV, computer, phone. Actually likes surfing the net and watching TV, concurrently.

2. Dreams of reading manga in Japanese or watching anime without subtitles. Took up Japanese language classes, still at baby stage but whenever I travelled to Japan, it motivated me to study harder.

3. Tried every type of bread in a bakery before, simply because it's fun!

4. Grumpy in the morning, thawed slowly with coffee. Though has tendency to sing out "Ohayou" to random strangers in the morning in Japan.

5. Green tea - green tea milk, green tea cakes, green tea mochi, green tea Kit Kat

6. Started jogging because worried not able to complete an exercise ECG. Continues jogging due to peer pressure.

7. Reads about cooking, travelling, daily life, fashion, etc - on blogs.

8. Reads, listens to music and eats lunch at the stairwell.

9. Google is one of my best friends.

10. Believes that one can only whistle when they are happy :)

Side note: I stupidly forgot that there's a 31st in July! :P


  1. "Continues jogging due to peer pressure."
    darling, that's not a good motivation for running!

    But hey! Whatever that makes you move, eh? :P

    1. LOL.. not a very good motivation indeed but lately I have started running during lunch time about 4 times out of the 5 weekdays with a colleague, and I actually really enjoyed it.. so it's a good thing :)

  2. Hi Cubie! Thanks for stumbled upon my blog - Travel & Living Journal of DT. Regarding my Laos trip, can be consider I travel alone but with another travel blogger which I never met before. In between, when reading your blog, my eyes are green with envy. You'd been to so many places and countries. I did place your blog in my blogroll too,. =)

    1. Ah - travelling with another travel blogger! That's brilliant :)
      Looking forward to read your posts on Laos :)

  3. Number 9! Google is my best buddy, too!

    The biggest difference between us is Number 4. I'm very much a morning person who starts getting grumpy ... well, round about now, 9 pm. :D

    This was a fun post. I've also read a version in which you share 10 things about yourself, but only 7 are true. Readers are supposed to guess which ones are true / not true.

    1. Grin - I've read that version as well. No guessing required on my version though :)
