Monday, August 5, 2013

Eating our way in Sydney

Drool~ superior Ippudo ramen
Even since I moved to Melbourne, I realised one significant thing that Melbourne is lacked of - good Japanese food (ok, maybe two - eligible bachelors). The first thing I wanted to have when I travelled back to Sydney for a work conference was a good ramen. Sigh - Ippudo has arrived at Australian shore finally but made it's branch in Sydney (darn!). So, first off the list was Ippudo ramen!

No - I didn't polish off all 4
Deep fried ice-cream
Dessert to follow was durian shake and deep fried ice-cream. Durian shake was as good as getting the fruit here in Australia. Little P (who happened to be in Sydney at the same time for a business trip) and I met up with my former classmates from Japanese class in Sydney - one from HK and the other from Brunei.

So there, not only Malaysians like durian. The deep fried ice-cream was also very good, it was not doughy, instead wrapped with a crispy layer. By this time, Little P and I were stuffed to the brim because prior to dinner, we had a very late lunch. However, we polished every bit down. This was then followed with a very long walk around the city. Grin.

Sea Urchin (Uni)
The next day's itinerary was Sydney Fish Market. I was guilty of influencing Little P to watch a TVB Lifestyle show called Tokyo Walker. Tokyo Walker is a travel show introducing places in Tokyo and since watching them, she had massive craving for sea urchin to the extend that she checked out the menu of every since Japanese restaurant she walked pass. To order to ease her craving, off we marched to Sydney Fish Market.

Sea urchin - Found! But of course, sea urchin alone will not keep the hunger pang away. So we had these as well. :)

Our dessert pick to end our seafood brunch was macaron from Adriano Zumbo.

Zumbo's first venture shop is in Balmain but we took the easy way out and visit his nearby patisserie in The Star. There's actually a conveyor belt desserts, just like kaiten sushi but instead of sushi, it was dessert.

These are not mine
These are mine

Unfortunately, I can't remember what flavour I chose. :P However if you like macaron, do give the ones from Zumbo a try, they are one of the better ones :)

Side note: I need a holiday!


  1. You're eating food that comes from all over!

    DO you what made me drool? The sea urchins. Oooo yummm!

    1. yes.. yummy sea urchins... though its not easy to find them even in Japanese restaurant :(

  2. I know this is a ridiculous confession coming from somebody who lives in Japan, but ... I don't like seafood. So could I have a triple serving of the fried ice cream, please? ^^

    1. Grin - may I introduce you to Maggie Beer ice cream? The Burnt Fig, Honeycomb & Caramel Ice Cream is very good!
