Friday, August 2, 2013

Ph(f)oto Friday: Hanging chairs

These hanging chairs are found inside a little cafe along Little Bourke Street in Melbourne. This little cafe is famed of serving one of the best coffee in the city - Brother Baba Budan. The cafe is small, and usually full, so I have not had my coffee in this cafe so to speak, only did takeaway. The coffee has great aroma and strong (that's how I like my coffee), much to my mother's disapproval. She is fond of her 3-in-1 coffees :P

P/S: Thought I'll start a new 'series', just because there are lot of little things that caught my eye. :)

Side note: Alright, I better drag myself out of the house now (as of Sunday, 1 pm :P)


  1. 3-in-1 coffee? Sacrilegious! LOL

    You wrote this on Sunday and post it today? Ahahaha

    1. LOL.. umm.. ya.. but mom likes her 3-in-1 coffee..

      Grin - sometimes I write a couple and scheduled them :P

  2. I like the start of this new series! Love the chairs and that coffee ... ooo.

  3. Also would like to add that the product information explains all the key features of the products and includes accurate measurements, helping the customer to plan the floor layout by knowing exactly what space is required. Great post
    HCCF Cafe Chairs
