Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random Sunday Night

Was googling about flying home and some domestic flight... tried my luck using one of those website that crawl through all the airlines and ended up = ="

I was contemplating of SYD-SIN-AOR... and to my horror.. the website actually suggested flying from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur but transit in Jakarta, then from KL to Alor Setar. Ummm... beyond me how that could happen = =""

Anyways, I'm now fluffing on the couch, with the TV playing "The Devil Wears Prada", and me typing away. Prior to that, I have been cooking up a storm. Lately I've been adopting the method of cook-the-whole-week's-dinner on Sunday night. So tonight I cooked fish curry (hmm.. ended up a bit too sour to my liking, must've put too much lime), prawn cooked with black soy sauce, sugar & a dash of sake (can't seem to find back where I initially found the recipe), stir fry bean sprouts, stir fry lettuce with dash of mirin & soy sauce, potato in lime+sugar+black soy sauce, of course 2 cups of white rice cooked using rice cooker. Hopefully it will last me till Friday, have been cooking a lot more compared to last week, which unfortunately only lasted till Tuesday.

Anyway, its Bank Holidays tomorrow... I offered to work, but boss said too many people working, so I have to take the holidays tomorrow. Hmm... I didn't expect that :P

Alright.. done rambling...*yay for non working Mondays* :)

Side note: waiting for off peak time..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Golden Kiwi

My recent fruit quota is being filled with mandarins and golden kiwi. Unlike the usual green kiwi, this taste better, and I have not tasted a non sweet golden kiwi yet. Unfortunately, this cost much more than the green ones.

Side note: Keeping my fingers crossed for leave during Christmas period..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adelaide 3 Hour City Walk

Ok.. first things first. I don't know how long this walk takes. It's the title of the walk, from a visitor guide I picked up in Adelaide, called Adelaide and Attractions Visitor Guide. I tried it out but skipped some places and I did not enter any of the buildings, exception to the Adelaide Arcade.

It is called Enjoy Adelaide on foot via Rundle Mall and North Terrace. I didn't go according to the numbers though :p Unfortunately for you, I'm putting this up based on how I walked :P
Gomen ne.

I started on this walk after travelling back from Glenelg. I took the tram to the station nearest to my starting point, at North Terrace. That's the number 1 on the map.

No - this is not in the list. Just the tram stop.

First up - Holy Trinity Church (1). This is the State's oldest church, also the first Anglican church in South Australia. A feature of the church is the fully restored clock, which was made in 1863 and shipped from London.

I accidentally walked to the wrong side of the street, so I missed West's Coffee Palace (2), Tattersalls Hotel (3) and Edmund Wright House (4). I did see The Beehive Corner (5), in fact the corner shop was the local chocolate place - Haighs but I didnt realise that at that time, so no picture :P

From Holy Trinity Church (1), I walked on to Adelaide Train Station (not in list).

At the front of the Railway Station, there's a sign saying "Adelaide Casino This Way".

I turned in and walked towards the Festival Centre (20). Before that... here's what was found outside.

Looking down from Adelaide Festival Centre (20), was this bit of greenery. Pretty inviting I would say but due to limited time, I really want to finish the walk, to see what's on offer, I canned the idea of wandering off too far. Oh, the bits of greenery is call Elders Park.

Retracing my steps, I headed back to the main street and ticked off the next in line - Old Parliament House (22). South Australia's original Parliament House.

Next to it, the Parliament House (21). According to the guide, said that the first part (western portion) opened in 1889. Remainder was completed in 1939.

Next up - Government House (19). Here's where things got a bit fuzzy cos I don't seem to see the Government House but it has to be there, according to the map. But the area in front of it looks pretty :)

Then the National War Memorial (18)

Crossed the road to the State Library of SA (16). Behind it situated the Migration Museum which I skipped.

Next to it - SA Museum (15)

All the coming buildings are all in one stretch...

Art Gallery of SA (14)

Adelaide University (13) - there were a few buildings, all under the wing of Adelaide Uni.

A slightly newer looking building - University of South Australia. I like it though, a different flavour to all the brown buildings :P

Then, passed the Royal Adelaide Hospital, to the end till you reach Botanic Gardens (11)

Right across the road is this Botanic Hotel (not in list)

I crossed the road and cut cross by the side of Ayers House (10)
The narration from book - From 1855 until 1897, Ayers House was the home of Sir Henry Ayers, premier of South Australia. The house was used for parliamentary dinners and grand balls. One of the Adelaide's grandest stately homes is filled with outstanding antiques, furniture, chandeliers and decorative arts. With a spectacular $1.6M upgrade, Ayers House also features picturesque gardens.

I strolled along Rundle Street till Pulteney St, turned right to Ruthven Mansions (7) - Adelaide's oldest apartment block, built in 1911.

...and Scots Church (8). Built in 1850.

Then I was back to Rundle Street Mall stretch. There was a beautiful Adelaide Arcade (6), built in 1885, with fountain at the outside.

I bought a pair of jeans on sale here... and missed the famous pigs of Rundle Street Mall.. cos I went into Myers to use the bathroom and back out on another exit... totally missed it.. oh well... can't be helped.

Side note: Phew...that was long....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Glenelg is about 30 minutes tram ride away, a town by the seaside. It was great that I was there when the sky was blue! :)

Am pretty sure there are buses which service to Glenelg but I love trams. LOL. Trams within the city area are free of charge. Nearest tram station to Glenelg from the hostel I stayed in was the one at Victoria Square.

This tram station was situated right in front of Hilton Adelaide. No.. I'm not doing advertising...and I didn't stay here.

I was the jakun who got on the tram and asked around on how do I pay for my ride :(
However the few people I asked were tourists as well, so they didn't know either. I then found the conductor...haha..he told me to take a seat first and he will come to sell the tickets in a bit. I then realise because the tram ride is free in the city area, he only started collecting after the tram is out of the free service area. So there... if you read this, you wont be jakun like me :P

Day ticket $8.60
Reaching Glenelg, a very short walk from where the tram stopped, was this building... with palm trees, indeed very beach feel. The Information Centre is located inside this building.

I then had a stroll along the beach, there was some life guides event at that time.

I wonder how much these apartments cost... :P

A little further away from the Life Guides event, still at the beach area.

I decided that I would do a walk around the town before treating myself to lunch.

Treat to myself - Fish & Chips... it looked like only chokeful of chips but there were fishes, at the bottom. Had initially wanted to try to have lunch at the Glenelg Jetty Hotel but they don't have a menu on display outside, hence I wasn't too keen to enter.

Side note: I think I still need my dose of wedges or maybe... fish & chips :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kangaroo Island: Flinders Chase Visitors Centre & Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Flinders Chase National Park is one of Australia's largest and earliest conservation park. We were given a bus tour to feel how big it is... but a stop was made at the visitors centre. That was actually the last stop, as mentioned on the itinerary but the driver/guide told us that if we are quick, he will squeeze in another location to see koalas and kangaroos. I admit it was a nice gesture, especially to travellers outside of Australia :) (but yes, rest assured, I have experience of seeing koalas & kangaroos many times)

I was the last again getting on the bus from the stop for Admirals Arch. Don't know what that happened, I was last but I was on time. So... it must be the rest who came back earlier. Anyways, I was very determined not to be the last again, second last would be fine :P

Anyway, back to the Visitors Centre. Many bought coffee, they have a small coffee takeaway place, also selling souvenirs and stuff. I bought a bottle of water but what caught my eye was this.

I honestly thought, "Hey, chocolates!"... till I saw the sign :P

Oh... I wasn't last :) I was third last, lucky that the cashier who served a couple at the next register to the one I was queuing up was a tad bit slower. So I got lucky.

We were treat to an additional stop - Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. And it rained.

Koalas were high up on some of these trees, but it wasn't fun when it was raining and I don't have an umbrella with me, and jacket wasn't really waterproof.

The other attraction was these Skippies here...

A couple who offered to take a picture of me together with these kangaroos were quite surprise I told them it's alright. LOL, guess I wasn't really in the mood and yeah, I have had photos with kangaroos. I'm actually quite scare of them. The one staring straight at me looked very much like it would jump and give me a huge kick.

That was the last attraction stop for Kangaroo Island Highlights Tour :)

Side note: Woke up this morning thinking about Eastern Europe... its totally random thoughts..

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kangaroo Island: Admirals Arch

Like mentioned earlier, this is a short way from Cape du Couedic Lighthouse. The bus passed the lighthouse, but stopped for us to have a stroll in this spot.

This is a natural Arch formed by erosion from the pounding sea, and is the breeding ground of New Zealand Fur Seals. It's a bit of a nice walk but we were told not to stop but walk straight down till we reached the stairs and to the end, which translates to you got limited time, so don't fluff about. :P

I tried hard not to be the last to get on the bus again... but I can't ignore the sights and not take any pictures, can't I?

Though I did listen to the guide, on getting to the end first. Here are some pics on the way...

Prior to reaching the end of the Arch, I got distracted with a seal, resting. Hmm... somehow, this place has the animal smell, compared to Seal Bay, I don't know why though.

This was not the end of the walk yet... there was more to go... If I wasn't travelling with the tour, I was pretty sure I would've taken much more time strolling around.

Alright... here's where we were told to head to by the driver/guide.. It is pretty isn't it?

And a little seal looking out at the sea :)

Side note: Sigh...