Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random Sunday Night

Was googling about flying home and some domestic flight... tried my luck using one of those website that crawl through all the airlines and ended up = ="

I was contemplating of SYD-SIN-AOR... and to my horror.. the website actually suggested flying from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur but transit in Jakarta, then from KL to Alor Setar. Ummm... beyond me how that could happen = =""

Anyways, I'm now fluffing on the couch, with the TV playing "The Devil Wears Prada", and me typing away. Prior to that, I have been cooking up a storm. Lately I've been adopting the method of cook-the-whole-week's-dinner on Sunday night. So tonight I cooked fish curry (hmm.. ended up a bit too sour to my liking, must've put too much lime), prawn cooked with black soy sauce, sugar & a dash of sake (can't seem to find back where I initially found the recipe), stir fry bean sprouts, stir fry lettuce with dash of mirin & soy sauce, potato in lime+sugar+black soy sauce, of course 2 cups of white rice cooked using rice cooker. Hopefully it will last me till Friday, have been cooking a lot more compared to last week, which unfortunately only lasted till Tuesday.

Anyway, its Bank Holidays tomorrow... I offered to work, but boss said too many people working, so I have to take the holidays tomorrow. Hmm... I didn't expect that :P

Alright.. done rambling...*yay for non working Mondays* :)

Side note: waiting for off peak time..

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