Monday, July 11, 2011

Kangaroo Island: Admirals Arch

Like mentioned earlier, this is a short way from Cape du Couedic Lighthouse. The bus passed the lighthouse, but stopped for us to have a stroll in this spot.

This is a natural Arch formed by erosion from the pounding sea, and is the breeding ground of New Zealand Fur Seals. It's a bit of a nice walk but we were told not to stop but walk straight down till we reached the stairs and to the end, which translates to you got limited time, so don't fluff about. :P

I tried hard not to be the last to get on the bus again... but I can't ignore the sights and not take any pictures, can't I?

Though I did listen to the guide, on getting to the end first. Here are some pics on the way...

Prior to reaching the end of the Arch, I got distracted with a seal, resting. Hmm... somehow, this place has the animal smell, compared to Seal Bay, I don't know why though.

This was not the end of the walk yet... there was more to go... If I wasn't travelling with the tour, I was pretty sure I would've taken much more time strolling around.

Alright... here's where we were told to head to by the driver/guide.. It is pretty isn't it?

And a little seal looking out at the sea :)

Side note: Sigh...


  1. Make me wanna go... looking at your pix... so nice, can get so close to the seals... can you touch them? they scare of human?

  2. cannot touch lor.. its like their habitat, so were told not to disturb them... nah..dont think they scare of human..

  3. kangaroos at other places :P

  4. Adelaide's oldest apartment block is actually a hotel, Mansions on Pulteney-:
