Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Glenelg is about 30 minutes tram ride away, a town by the seaside. It was great that I was there when the sky was blue! :)

Am pretty sure there are buses which service to Glenelg but I love trams. LOL. Trams within the city area are free of charge. Nearest tram station to Glenelg from the hostel I stayed in was the one at Victoria Square.

This tram station was situated right in front of Hilton Adelaide. No.. I'm not doing advertising...and I didn't stay here.

I was the jakun who got on the tram and asked around on how do I pay for my ride :(
However the few people I asked were tourists as well, so they didn't know either. I then found the conductor...haha..he told me to take a seat first and he will come to sell the tickets in a bit. I then realise because the tram ride is free in the city area, he only started collecting after the tram is out of the free service area. So there... if you read this, you wont be jakun like me :P

Day ticket $8.60
Reaching Glenelg, a very short walk from where the tram stopped, was this building... with palm trees, indeed very beach feel. The Information Centre is located inside this building.

I then had a stroll along the beach, there was some life guides event at that time.

I wonder how much these apartments cost... :P

A little further away from the Life Guides event, still at the beach area.

I decided that I would do a walk around the town before treating myself to lunch.

Treat to myself - Fish & Chips... it looked like only chokeful of chips but there were fishes, at the bottom. Had initially wanted to try to have lunch at the Glenelg Jetty Hotel but they don't have a menu on display outside, hence I wasn't too keen to enter.

Side note: I think I still need my dose of wedges or maybe... fish & chips :)

1 comment:

  1. Cubie:

    Thanks for the Miyajima links! Yes the ryokans do seem a little more expensive on average (cheapest double room with 2 meals for around 12000 per night per person?), but I guess that's the price to pay for such a unique location. I'm probably not going until at least 2013 but I'll definitely remember to go back to these links and check.

    Thanks for the sharing!

