Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Meiji Shrine

The initial plan was to go to the Meiji Shrine from the opposite direction, walked through the park and out via the entrance near Harajuku. Hence we hopped off the train at JR Yoyogi Station. Unfortunately, we somehow unable to find the entrance we were looking for and resolved to ask for direction from a helpful staff in the nearby Lawson Convenience Store. We were directed to the correct path, however which later on we found out was the entrance near Harajuku station. :P
(A quick google on the net just nowreveals that the entrance we were looking for was the north entrance.)

Meiji Shrine (Meiji Jingu) is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the deified spirits of Emporer Meiji and Empress Shoken. Emporer Meiji was the first emporer of modern Japan.

Before praying, washing of hands are required. At least, by my observation. There's instruction on how to do the washing - if memory doesnt fail me, wash left hand, followed by right hand and pour the water on one of your hand, to wash the mouth. Lastly was to wash the handle.

From observation, upon praying, one would drop a coin into the designated place, pray, bowed twice followed by clapping hand twice.


Side note: Hmm.. whats for dinner tonight...

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