Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Roppongi Hills

Tour guide knows that I was looking forward to see some christmas lights in Tokyo. After all, we were there just 2 weeks before christmas. Hence we headed off to Roppongi Hills for hope of catching some nice christmas lights. We were not disappointed. However my camera battery were flat. These were taken with the phone, which isn't entirely a bad thing as it was so windy that night, even if we have a tripod then (and we don't), it wouldn't be much of a help.

Once stepping out of the train station, we were greeted by these really nice christmas lights... and very, very strong wind.

Inside one of the shopping centre

On the way to the train station to bring us back to Shinjuku

Side note: I don't know why but somehow this brain of mine always associate Roppongi with Little P's dream :P

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