Thursday, December 31, 2009

Takeshita Dori

Walking out from Meiji Shrine, tour guide said we could have the famous crepe from Harajuku for breakfast. Despite we had already munched on onigiri and dorayaki while walking to the shrine earlier, I was hungry again by then :P

Walking back to the direction of Harajuku station, we passed the bridge which was said to be the famous gathering place for cosplayers.

However luck is not on my side, either that or the weather is a tad too cold, there wasn't any in sight. However I did got a shot of a pretty gothic lolita :) Also we did see a few in Akihabara instead but no photography allowed.

See the clock? It was about 10:30am, perfect timing for a snack before lunch! :)
The entrance to Takeshita Dori was opposite the Harajuku train station which resemble a western looking building.

It was not too crowded yet as it was still fairly early. First stop - the crepe shop. There are a couple of them, but this is the one we went.

The wide selection of crepes

Tour guide's crepe is the one on the left - chocolate sauce, pastry sheet, whipped cream and chocolate ice-cream. Mine's banana, chocolate sauce, cheesecake, pastry sheet, whipped-cream and chocolate ice-cream. No prize in guessing who is glutton one.

We hit the streets after finished indulging the very yummy breakfast :D

Side note: Happy New Year!

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