Monday, November 30, 2009

A Day of Misfortune

Started with myself being absent-minded. Put a glass bottle in the freezer for it to cool down fast on Saturday night. The unfortunate part is... I forgot to remove it before going to bed that night. Or rather, I had the impression that I did, hence I didnt check but as I said it is unfortunate event, it turned out that I didn't.

If you remember your Form 4 Physics class, you would know what happen to the unfortunate glass bottle. Yes, the glass shattered in the freezer.

In the same day, I dropped tour guide's 1 week old cap out of his moving car. He was driving and we had both the windows wind down. I was wearing the cap back to front (to keep the fringe away from my forehead). As I turn to move the the cap, it flew out of the car :(
Tour guide said we can't stop the car to grab the cap :( and so... I dropped tour guide's 1 week old cap :(

Side note: Guilty :(

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sydney Aquarium

Isn't he cute?

Yup. Tour guide and I went to the Sydney Aquarium on Sunday after kayaking. I've been to the next door Sydney Wildlife World within a week I am in Sydney, courtesy by a colleague who gave me a discount voucher. Tour guide said he had been to the Sydney Aquarium, while I've been to the Wildlife World. I came up with a brilliant idea (though tour guide doesnt think so) that we should get the combined ticket of Sydney Aquarium and Wildlife Park, each visit the one that we have not been, and meet after that :P

You see, combined ticket cost $49.95 for single adult while single aquarium ticket is $31.95. As I said earlier, tour guide doesn't think it is a good idea, let alone brilliant... so we bought 2 tickets for adult for Sydney Aquarium.

First stop was platypus. :(
Platypus was hiding, no platypus seen. After seeking for platypus and waiting, we decided to move on. :(
We see this school of fishes.

There were also cute little penguins :)

Or the pretty but dangerous jelly fishes

Or some funny fish ... err.. I think its call blowpipe fish or something

Or the big, deadly.. JAWS! haha...

At current, this is on exhibition!

but this is mine :)
hahaha... dugongs :P

Side note: 2 more weeks!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kayaking in Northbridge

I don't swim. I don't know how to swim. I can't swim to save my life. Now that we get that straight, the next part is... I went for kayaking with the tour guide.

I remember my first kayaking experience, in the beautiful, magnificent Halong Bay. Failed miserably, with big boats making the water a little too rowdy for my poor heart. Of course, there are life vests and all, umm... but life vest can only get you float, it never guarantees where you float to.

Kayaking - take 2 in Northbridge.
I was still a little scare, and worry a lot. :P but I had fun :)
(make mental note to self - umm.. have to fix the dont-know-how-to-swim-fact)

It started with the sky a little hazy, cloudy...

The sky then cleared, and it started to get a little warm

And of course, there are more pictures... and that's a giveaway to the secret that I have *ahem* a few*ahem* break from rowing, courtesy to the tour guide :D

Side note: Tour guide said will go kayaking again next week wor... I wonder....

Monday, November 23, 2009

It was over 40 degree celcius

... and I was not in Malaysia. It hit more than 40 degree celcius yesterday here in Sydney. Humid and hot. Of all days, the tour guide and I decide to try our hands in kayaking, all the water around us but not helping in cooling us down. After all, we are not in the water. On top of that, we decided to have a full day itinery. From kayaking to Northbridge, we hopped over to the city to the Sydney Aquarium. Water all around but not cooling us down either. :P Anyways that's another post.

THIS is why I write this post...

It is not even summer yet. And who says Malaysia is hot? :P

Side note: Hm.. I wish the ironing that be done by itself :P

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cruise Around The Harbour

Had the taste fo my first cruise a couple of weeks ago, from work. It was a 4 hour boat ride, literally around the harbour. We departed from Darling Harbour, the boat cruises north, then make a turn, went down till somewhere near Anzac Bridge, then the same route again. It was not bad, though at the end, one begins to wonder... hmm... are they going to go slightly further for a different view.

Anyways, seafood lunch was provided and free flow of drinks. There was a magic show and some people sang karaoke but most just drinks.

Here are some picture before lunch, and people drinking (of course, what else) and try to hunt down the waiter who brought the finger food.

The top 3 pictures are taken by my boss using his D80. The remaining are by my humble iphone cos I forgot to bring my trust, old seasoned ixus 50.

Side note: Ah... the bliss of nothingness...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Random Food

Some of his cooking :)

Some of my experiments

Side note: I don't like tomorrow...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Of Dragon Boat Racing and Chinese Garden

As we were on the way to crossing our 2nd bridge, Pyrmont Bridge, we saw a dragon boat racing going on in Darling Harbour. I am, however, unsure what was the celebration or occasion but we stopped for a look and grab a couple of pictures :P

And it so happens that the Chinese Garden was opened for free to the public due to Darling Harbour's 21st birthday (if I'm not mistaken). It wasn't really far from the Pyrmont Bridge, so we popped in quickly :D

Traditionally looking Chinese garden with background of tall commercial buildings

Some naughty bird on top of the tree

Somehow, at that time, I did feel that the Chinese Garden wasn't exactly really near to the Pyrmont Bridge, it was quite a detour and we secretly think we couldn't finished the 7 Bridges Walk on time. Oh well.. but we did... so all was good :P

Anyway, thanks to the detour - we managed to get this picture, and as you can see... the sky was getting really dark.

with monorail and the bridge was "rotating" back to normal... um, not quite sure how to describe it correctly

Side note: Suddenly got doughnut attack since last night...