Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kayaking in Northbridge

I don't swim. I don't know how to swim. I can't swim to save my life. Now that we get that straight, the next part is... I went for kayaking with the tour guide.

I remember my first kayaking experience, in the beautiful, magnificent Halong Bay. Failed miserably, with big boats making the water a little too rowdy for my poor heart. Of course, there are life vests and all, umm... but life vest can only get you float, it never guarantees where you float to.

Kayaking - take 2 in Northbridge.
I was still a little scare, and worry a lot. :P but I had fun :)
(make mental note to self - umm.. have to fix the dont-know-how-to-swim-fact)

It started with the sky a little hazy, cloudy...

The sky then cleared, and it started to get a little warm

And of course, there are more pictures... and that's a giveaway to the secret that I have *ahem* a few*ahem* break from rowing, courtesy to the tour guide :D

Side note: Tour guide said will go kayaking again next week wor... I wonder....

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