Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cruise Around The Harbour

Had the taste fo my first cruise a couple of weeks ago, from work. It was a 4 hour boat ride, literally around the harbour. We departed from Darling Harbour, the boat cruises north, then make a turn, went down till somewhere near Anzac Bridge, then the same route again. It was not bad, though at the end, one begins to wonder... hmm... are they going to go slightly further for a different view.

Anyways, seafood lunch was provided and free flow of drinks. There was a magic show and some people sang karaoke but most just drinks.

Here are some picture before lunch, and people drinking (of course, what else) and try to hunt down the waiter who brought the finger food.

The top 3 pictures are taken by my boss using his D80. The remaining are by my humble iphone cos I forgot to bring my trust, old seasoned ixus 50.

Side note: Ah... the bliss of nothingness...

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