Monday, November 30, 2009

A Day of Misfortune

Started with myself being absent-minded. Put a glass bottle in the freezer for it to cool down fast on Saturday night. The unfortunate part is... I forgot to remove it before going to bed that night. Or rather, I had the impression that I did, hence I didnt check but as I said it is unfortunate event, it turned out that I didn't.

If you remember your Form 4 Physics class, you would know what happen to the unfortunate glass bottle. Yes, the glass shattered in the freezer.

In the same day, I dropped tour guide's 1 week old cap out of his moving car. He was driving and we had both the windows wind down. I was wearing the cap back to front (to keep the fringe away from my forehead). As I turn to move the the cap, it flew out of the car :(
Tour guide said we can't stop the car to grab the cap :( and so... I dropped tour guide's 1 week old cap :(

Side note: Guilty :(

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