Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To the Capital

Despite Melbourne, Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sydney may be more well known but Australia's capital is actually Canberra. I remembered my father was the one who told me that many donkey years ago.

Mr Tour Guide said there isn't much in Canberra but as I requested for it, we went on a weekend away to Canberra.

on the way to ACT.. but this was taken on the way
crossing to Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Canberra housed the Parliament, many embassies, War Memorial. We went to both the old and new Parliament but skipped the War Memorial (maybe next time :P)

After feeding ourselves, we wanted to try the paddle boats in Lake Burley Griffin, despite it was still well in May which technically is still spring, the paddle boats operator has closed for winter. We were considering of cycling but it was another 30 minutes till the shop closed. No choice, we walked.

Lake Burley Griffin
the new Parliament. It wasn't even 6pm but already pitch dark
Old Parliament which now house Museum of Australian Democracy
Both the old and new Parliament together with the War Memorial were built in the way that they are in one straight line.

After that, it was to the Black Mountain. Was very windy and cold at that time, also with my point and shoot camera, this is all I managed.

Side note: Am pressured to write the story of Don Bradman...

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