Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Scenic World and a teapot museum

Woke up the next day... and it was raining... and misty... sky was grey...

However we thought we would give it a try at the Scenic World Blue Mountains nonetheless. Upon reaching there, we found out that they are still operating, which was good. We got $19 per person Valley Return pass (A ride into the valley on the Railway or Cableway and a ride out of the valley on the Railway or Cableway. Includes Walkway.) We ride in via the Railway and out via the Cableway.

Waiting for the railway. There were Japanese and Korean tour in front of us
Unfortunately, halfway through the scenic walkway, it started to drizzle again.

Raining but rain drops not obvious on photo
We managed to get away from walking behind the big tour groups, so the walk was pretty ok except it started to rain. Also tour guide's socks kept falling down... :P

We then went to the Cableway waiting station, and I realised it was really lucky of us to have gone to the Echo Point Lookout the day before... because....

We left Blue Mountains thereafter to avoid the massive traffic going back to Sydney. Stopped at Leura to grab lunch, and take the opportunity to visit the Bygone Beautys Tearoom and Teapot Collection (Teapot Museum).

I would say it is the place where you would not want to bring little kids to... or you'll risk having to pay for the whole shop...

Some collection of teapots
It started to rain again soon after that...

On the way to grab lunch.. autumn feel even though still green-ish
We were stuck in the traffic for quite awhile, I dozed off in the car, the tour guide drove all the way home :P

Side note: Do you know who is Don Bradman?

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