Thursday, September 24, 2009

Science and Miniatures

Second day in Canberra were spent walking on the other side of Lake Burley Griffin before visiting Questacon - the National Science and Technology Centre.

2nd row, left - that's the War Memorial from afar
Questacon is not only just walk and view, there are things to play and experiment.

One of them is this Free Fall thingy where you fall from vertical 6 metres. You are required to slip on an overall and up on a staircase. Then you will be assisted to hang on to a bar and when you are ready, you let go... and fall....

Camera not fast enough to capture free fall action
Thereafter thought would go have a look at this market call Old Bus Depot Market. Hmm.. not too impressive, not much differ from other markets I've been in Sydney. Only took picture of the entrance :P

The last stop was to Cockington Green Gardens. It was little away from city and the garden closes at 5 pm with last entry time at 4.15 pm (cannot reach too late mah, tak sempat). From the website, tickets for adult cost at $16.50 per person. I went with the tour guide and we bought the adult value pack for 2 at $36.90 which includes admission, miniature train tickets (separately sold at $2), souvenir guide book and cake & gift shop discount voucher. When we reached, we were a little late and the cafe was already closed.

We got went on the miniature train ride which brings us around the garden first as the train leaves at certain time. The garden is divided into garden exhibits and indoor displays.

Indoor display room - The Rose Room
Outdoor exhibits are divided into buildings from UK and international displays.

The one in the middle is the miniature version of the main building of Cockington Green
the International exhibits
Umm... unfortunately the batteries for the camera went died after a couple of shots and my phone too. Had to borrow the tour guide's phone to take those pictures..

Due to all the rushing, we only had lunch some baklavas as lunch :P and needless to say, I dozed off on the way home as well.. hehe...

Side note: Learning about Don Bradman is part of my education plan... chotto...

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